
Mostrando entradas de julio 29, 2017

Anybody ever wonder how well these pidgeys will do? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/Ak5xCucve4

clashroyalblog: Clash royale funny moments,glitches,wins and fails #8 via /r/Clash_Royal https://t.co/Z5cPAOXrBT

Doom Marine referece in the new ETC tint https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/ciuD8ntlzl

Dreadsteed shows us something about the community... https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/PtnQLIGJeE

Sorry it's late but the crowd at Chester was massive. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/0rOIzn6B3p

Anyone else miss the raid eggs? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/hnjRQap1eE

[Suggestion] Raids should happen after dark in regions where the temperature is often over 110 during the day. via… https://t.co/NXNgX4mrOg

[HUMOR] When rushers are tired of getting crap from people. https://t.co/evMcQSkjz2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/StuMIHWLMl

TIL tracer "Graffiti" jacket is in a shop on numbani via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/VIu3ErqwAm

Team Dignitas vs. Immortals / NA LCS 2017 Summer - Week 8 / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/gKlY1kdIIM

I'm afraid that LB is turning into an Azir slowly. Maybe she really needs just another rework. … https://t.co/MqcrvK2Wf7

People are asking for a Brightling skin, so I made... this https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/TGyVqY12LX

HAMMER... out of map? via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/gu3Pef0B6v

[Discussion]I just took down a full gym...with only pidgeys via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/WAIMluDvBJ

Being from Wisconsin, this was a great way to kick off a vacation in Florida! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/XtEN0TdA6J

Disadvantage of Bearshark having 'elusive'.. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/UUFv62AU61

“Bubble D.Va” | Love D.Va + Bubble tea [Full song] (ThatPunchKid) via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/jl4vqikPzH

this is definitely what sleepdarts are supposed to do, yes. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/Ric7QGjZah

100 Minions in 10 Minutes https://t.co/VIqNoNMHu1 https://t.co/QtSjTiphAA

Medivh needs a new skin. So I made one. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/kI3bWWeCAb

Heroes who are in need of new skins https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/sZZDQ7HrxV

Region locks need to change. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/00HQtcL2Jq

[Builder] A true %100 https://t.co/NvUmkXdY7x #ClashofClans https://t.co/kRCPfiJ1yJ

If a Death Knight Warrior deck becomes viable can we agree to call it Garrosh Icecream? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #… https://t.co/aecbOgSwiH

D.Va Matrix via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/tnp7GA207I

Urgot ult just casually switching targets half-way through and killing me with 70% hp. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/dmsECnmzEZ

FlyQuest vs. Team SoloMid / NA LCS 2017 Summer - Week 8 / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/67kO09Bf1V

We need Zerg Brightwing aka Brightling https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/dGHLMPas5p

One of the bridesmaids was a little oddish. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/1WuUcKnrUl

McCree's American golden gun has been fixed in the latest patch. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/eNYK20iRau

[Humor] The timing... https://t.co/O1Z2I4Hmfn #ClashofClans https://t.co/LC9BhW0hTD

Caught a wild Blissey in my bathroom! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/friRQs8OOp

My First Ever Golden Legendary From a Pack... https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/PvShJnRbAM

The latest time an old Hero's Gold price was lowered was in February (Kharazim) https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesof… https://t.co/sI4O1odnBF

Tracer, your Uber is here! via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/4Hq3b6kQOj

There should be a forfeit button when attacking in builder base [IDEA] https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/uS6tdyCL6X

[GLITCH] Night Mode in Night Mode... https://t.co/4dMPDFuQWt #ClashofClans https://t.co/ahgFh3Nsoj

Disappointed with increased motivation decay via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/MoPjvshbFC

[IDEA] You should gain more VS trophies for winning a battle against a higher BH, and lose less when you lose to a… https://t.co/Ied2dwz2LN

"Where's the Pause button on this keyboard?" https://t.co/PSph9Jvikk #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Sd5Il6kG86

[Math]: Garrosh's effective HP https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/2uqusaVxSa

[Complaint] Why are we being punished for not belonging to mystic? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/gA3FfWVL1Z

Pokemon GO is being updated to version 0.69.1 for android and 1.39.1 for iOS via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/2rM4d7dpnD

[HIMB] I've been playing for a little over two and a half weeks, thought it'd see how my progression is! … https://t.co/yzgJLIz9RM

[HUMOR] This is a review for CoC on the Google Play store... Undecided much? https://t.co/TaDsZetWSa #ClashofClans https://t.co/1Y7YbGYKYL

I was just trying to solo ult a Pharah.... via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/kDLpSiyuxk

This sub in a nutshell (Dreadsteed nerf edition) https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/FPRq8yJVyN

I think that Defile isn't the only reason for the Dreadsteed nerf. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/0Sg4nN0nan

Let Blizzard change Dreadsteed. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/rkq22q1Jqh

Tip to checking type advantage for Android users. Works on both Google Assistant and Google Now :) via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/bFSgD9p86A

[humour] Traitor! https://t.co/tP62Y9PMkK #ClashofClans https://t.co/OLH9WRsJkW

[News] Safari Zone delayed in Europe via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/F7S7hTTMGy

All optimal Doomfist positions for a 125 damage Seismic Slam (for the Air Strike achievement) via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/sX8FCxsCfe

Tips shows up for too long ingame https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/mJ5Q5YGqBd

DunkTrain with the insane hooks https://t.co/YynaO2sgy8 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/k5pud8hwwA

clashroyalblog: 2v2 via /r/Clash_Royal https://t.co/9Uegy3Nwsz

[0:40] Two to Tango https://t.co/t8pOkxsruj #hearthstone https://t.co/jaAR3JXjR1

Blizzard let us spectate arena drafts in-game? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/OwNhxq1AsS

A Blizzard Dev confirmed that Grim Patron has a hard cap so that it doesn't go infinite with Defile. … https://t.co/vVy0q9L8d0

New Mage card revealed by vkingplays! https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/M5SldlUdxe

J4CKIECHAN's Card Reveal Rap: Meat Wagon https://t.co/KSKVRaEX8A #hearthstone https://t.co/vZBBRj9sIx

I miss old adc graves. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/08CdI2Bzts

¡El último The pokemon go Daily! https://t.co/BkH0PQTR3h Gracias a BasedCloud eddyyarellano mat_aurelio #clashofclans #travel

My sister gave me a watercolor of Zarya. I love it. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/zhGDPwcYmG

I only have one complaint about doomfist via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/1okOw28IKW

Overwatch Flash Animation via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/Aw4hSg7No5

every cat deserves a good home via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/aTU120IPqD

Hots comic 7: More Morales https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/jbKMHAZP8z

¡URF News está disponible! https://t.co/hoRjl9ubRc Gracias a @IllidanDecoy @ESPDLoL @SkookumArts #digitalmarketing #javascript

Who else have huge fear that the will open new Princes in their hardly saved 40 packs? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #h… https://t.co/XcvHEXwnlw

IWillDominate Trolls on OCE?? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/djFPrRMWiK

[GOAL] Finally got my fifth builder out thanks to my builder base. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/Gn85emVnlx

When it's Gay Pride in Amsterdam but an Articuno shows up via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/vzWoYyTNOe

It took me ONLY a couple of months to pull this off. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/NLVi7RYITL

I swapped Doomfist and Punchkid's faces via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/MNsdcpL8NY

blizzard, a bug makes illusion master samuro unplayable. its been this way for 3+ patches http://ift.tt/2kgrGUe https://t.co/lOiJOY9GcF

I suddenly realized what makes Hanzo the deadliest hero in the game via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/8IOIVnsoQW

I can't believe how out of date the League website is, there's still no Abyssal Mask, Gargoyle Stoneplate or Adapt… https://t.co/dA6ttnzk3a

You shouldn't be able to put someone on ignore and still be able to whisper them. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroes… https://t.co/kBIUyr5obB

HeroStorm Ep 26 - Da Minion https://t.co/TfHk0HOz9q #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/lSeEKAg2qS

GenjiCat Ep. 13 via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/5HynHlJwgd

[Idea] It's time for a free, daily, one use Incubator and other walking Bonuses via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/jWWJeen4bF

Receiving an event message for an event that has been long going is one of hundreds of reasons why I hate Niantic'… https://t.co/TIKWbzAzbC

When your teammate won't group up via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/ZyeXvhBO3Z

finally landed a sleep dart on the tracer that had been hunting me, in the best possible way via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/mbsJQyUsIb

Iron HORDE Garrosh skin china https://t.co/mtSjdbg4Lc #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/0y9ARjuUti

Timing cannot be taught. Either you have it, or you don't. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/uTu5ARPPWU

[HUMOR] When Supercell added level 15 Archer Towers and Cannons.. https://t.co/COK2qz1au9 #ClashofClans https://t.co/ZElV185IfY

Cleanest A-Sol Pentakill https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/9ynqtW0JjL

The shopping window could be so much better! https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/fKeGVzYPE5

[Idea] Unused Premier balls from raids turn into Pokeballs via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/guQHLSkv6i

Prince giant https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/PloT3YNGfJ

PSA: If your camera locks itself, press and hold the camera Icon beside the minimap and then drag and release it o… https://t.co/Sj5MUeeMBm

Premium raid passes should be rewarded for leveling up via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/g5mcBLNrqr

Team Liquid vs. Immortals / NA LCS 2017 Summer - Week 8 / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/zCm1LFFkgq

My Sylvanas Windrunner cosplay https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/xIPnkivaAs

[HUMOR] Pro tip for gaining trophies: Make your base pretty enough people want to show their clan mates. … https://t.co/Q3x58wYESl

Blizzard, please reconsider the Dreadsteed nerf. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/j4SEc2AJJc

Console players, switch the controls for Doomfist's primary/secondary fire. You won't be sorry. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/szwrGSJO3H

Reinhardt can no longer charge through breakable objects such as signposts & railings. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/d02y9E5JrZ

[GLITCH][BUILDER] Future Notifications https://t.co/RLDofGOc1X #ClashofClans https://t.co/CALKou0l54

clashroyalblog: Cannon Cart 10 Wins Chest ( Insane Card ) | How To Win Cannon Cart Challenge via /r/Clash_Royal https://t.co/B5sa4oKUG5

So, there are still no new skins for Greymane... https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/60CCbDBvZB

Contact Candela, care of Team Valor via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/fgY6pPELgy

[Idea] In the next Pokemon screen, just select which Pokemon on your team you want to use next. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/INRYNhKoHp

Bug Fix. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/7aBWGPwbVf

[Petition] Blizz, please rename Garrosh's level 13 talent "Double Up" to "Tank Up!". https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Her… https://t.co/Ts6uiTNW7x

Nostradamus'ed a Warlock card 2 years ago! ( everything except the class-tag, which was custom Priest for mine) … https://t.co/5bFeLrKkvB

Phoenix1 vs. Echo Fox / NA LCS 2017 Summer - Week 8 / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/DsFABLPOPP

Boots in LoL are mildly infuriating https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/S7o6TfAhpR

[GOAL] Took over 3 years, but I finally made it :) https://t.co/PLraKGqsAD #ClashofClans https://t.co/f3et4ifkq5

Echo Fox owner Rick Fox: 'In no way do I look at the time there in Challenger with Delta Fox as having been a fail… https://t.co/y3gQdyYATl

Brightwing is sad https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/mcR79HuAFl

This event was the most fun i've had playing PoGo, ever via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/Mrfsyw7RZS

All 11 cards revealed in the live-stream https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/4M3t7gWO6c

Reinhardt puta Soldier in jail via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/JY71jYhPCs

Blizzard about Garrosh and his huge hero fantasy /forums/static/images/social-thumbs/blizzard.png #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/k8UGIssE2U

BLOODLUST community funded tournament starts in 45 mins! https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/POV4rW79XH