
Mostrando entradas de febrero 7, 2019

The wasteland https://t.co/Di6ULmmtHt

RT @pavolrusnak: So, the #LNTrustChain torch has traveled all around the Earth and has been to its geostationary orbit and back. What's next? Mars with @ElonMusk? Beyond our Solar System with @WilliamShatner? Send me an invoice for 2940000 satoshi and let's make this happen! #Bitcoin

RT @NayfePacewell: The new fort in The Devils Roar, is and absolute spectacle! As far as skeleton forts go.. 🤩 Spent a while there with Derrick (@Plecotuz) just exploring, experimenting with the terrain. #SeaofThieves #SoTShot https://t.co/AbGUBXr9cG

RT @torproject: So outrageous. Telecom companies took sensitive location data intended to be used by 911 operators and first responders and sold it to data aggregators. Then the aggregators sold it to bounty hunters. https://t.co/gIiwQGZNAF

RT @Excellion: The next #LNTrustChain link must come from outer space. Please broadcast an invoice for 2930000 satoshis from geosynchronous orbit to my satellite dish. Also include your Twitter handle and the lyrics from a song mentioning a lion. ⚡️🔥⛓📡🦁 @elonmusk @hodlonaut @eriklaan @jack https://t.co/v899bSGnjS

the laptop died, RIP is that time of the year where I go to the land of waste and I dig in the garbage until I have a new one I hope it does not take me so long and live more https://t.co/mE5W3Eelb8

RT @Molde196411: https://t.co/AULpCpIefc

RT @lt_swag_johnson: What better way to celebrate a new #update than with your best mateys! Finished up two of the new #voyages and also smashed two #skeletonforts along the way. Now the question arises: is buying more worth your #doubloons? #SeaOfThieves #BeMorePirate #SoTShot @SeaOfThieves https://t.co/sqktWZj8w7

Laptop RIP it's that time of the year to start scratch on the waisteland and make a new one https://t.co/18gp4cM3Sw

RT @PhuzzyBond: Went to Visit our new Beast to the East Got the Fog as soon as I arrived there Was charmed by the Beauty of the Beast Can't wait to get my fair share, come on and do it Rare! @RareLtd #SeaOfThieves #devilsroar #shotshot @JoeNeate1 @Waterside17 @TheWackersKian @JESSETATTOO https://t.co/013LlRqjPL

RT @pat: “If your business accepts or uses bitcoin, stopping that is almost certainly the best thing you can do to reduce your company’s carbon emissions” @merxplat at #rubyconf_au - 205kg carbon dioxide per transaction! https://t.co/0C80Ng4A0H

RT @FaniniRB: ¿Soy la única que ama las ilustraciones de comida ? https://t.co/zj6hY1OPiD

Parece que #LNTrustChain fue muy disrutiva y ahora tenemos Satoshi Tweets 🎈 https://t.co/rGZsdAj7Nl

RT @tech_faq: This tweet did not age well. https://t.co/GeuxMjjjG0

Mexican childrens don't have acess to tech lets help a School today https://t.co/BhgHLdHz1W

Bottle Rocket Hero? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/KTCgZqG0tL https://t.co/ygZcuiSPGq

Is Limited worth it? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/V8b4XckBWJ https://t.co/YwYKOGbRzN

New hero zenith! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/tF2xd77MWS https://t.co/gpAcfQxmch

Hero skin stages? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/vTR4C37Mr2 https://t.co/vp8g1wpJvA

Super Scammer A.C. (Hero Concept) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/X4qqvWGIFT https://t.co/sum0Vf1gCA

Is having two of the same legendary survivor useful? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/WixLErnsve https://t.co/Kr7CsfjQs6

Is lynx a non melee ninja hero via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/kHl6jnoHHU https://t.co/wcuay25uIX

Week 5 Challenge Bug via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/kib68DWiTA https://t.co/tyyuTwLIse

Uninstalling Fortnite through Launcher vs Control Panel? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/aevI5npgcx https://t.co/eJTl9rlbJb

Any tips for the new weekly frostnite challenge? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/CBjur72dQL https://t.co/sJtq1MqCyI

Someone in my game just deleted all the ATLAS via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/AIVZUZmL3S https://t.co/rsk8mhYwxt

Game Modes via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/SZrsFKh81y https://t.co/lLzZVbNyWz

I just did the week 6 challenge and received nothing. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/yohOe8izKt https://t.co/tUuBtwi7cT

Just a regular day on Xbox... via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/6G4pvnBgD8 https://t.co/E0h59nxo67

9600 gold in under 3 weeks? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/fUGHP9cnFX https://t.co/XCE0bsVzVS

Lunar llamas, such a disappointment via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/rUeQsLohCr https://t.co/kf5kAcKKsg

Epic, with 18,000 gold in "unique" heros in the event store - it's time to remove the cap of 5,000 gold. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/yAQG5jT3wC https://t.co/uo42X5OMJ6

Lunar Llama question via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/uyRbFPSzAw https://t.co/sTLwzhW0IF

YES! Finally something worth buying with daily gold /s via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/rMK5gsjula https://t.co/D1dhAF8H7a

Anywhere I can check what 6th perk a weapon can roll? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/bfnFfMjvt5 https://t.co/SaFi55JdTl

I just want to thank my team via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/lHBkYs14Cx https://t.co/Kn7saUrecu

Whoops I accidentally dropped my... via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/1Y4Tl6dkIx https://t.co/SgamtSdguf

Dragon’ Roar with Roman Candle sixth perk worth leveling? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/XM0DXOWcGD https://t.co/wtnAWR04Sr

Burger Builder Kyle / Beef Boss (Hero Concept) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/H2W6mkayfA https://t.co/3ot3JjDDjS

Hero loadout via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/sOKWxrDtbP https://t.co/R5NU0kydcB

When the game is finally ready... via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/KSQ85zusaF https://t.co/ws8RSRhwAy

Is there still the Affliction perk dragon's roar in the lunar llamas? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Bjl3kqctEF https://t.co/0Nx3rtbPNd

We need an easier way to find players when the servers are empty. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/VMzd1FL6h4 https://t.co/85XESYpA3B

Name The Hero... via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/4C06cdpk41 https://t.co/ZxDcXWLEj0

Best way to grind tickets? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/dQ1FlfSz9C https://t.co/4DvAayMB9i

I got the daily quest trifecta! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/z4cYWh5GnR https://t.co/cy5JS3O1mW

Farmed a lot of tickets but amount is the same via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/CkxBUcBuK7 https://t.co/iLii7oYljO

Help me. Please. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/DQ2GtmuZoK https://t.co/QT9DTtlHse

Should I stay with just the super shredder, or should I level up another semi-close range shotgun and use both? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/AMJVPyQveB https://t.co/clbvKSCj5K

Bounce Around! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/KjeOlEyN74 https://t.co/RcYGHt9yvU

Question for helping me to purchase the right version of Save the World via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/gcFjgFBWl3 https://t.co/QiEY7rukxV

Why can't I merge my accounts? They're clearly not the same account - help. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/UL3uI7hzwq https://t.co/jFPw9wlsKN

If I recycle a 130 lead survivor, will I get enough survivor xp to level another one to 130? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/PsfJlZUesX https://t.co/Ia7GYeQAKu

PS4 DROP FRAMES via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/H42cwZG2iK https://t.co/fQekFalJZ2

Recycling dragon's might gave me no perk mats back via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/haa9WriYbK https://t.co/AsyJj9WWce

Curious About What Lunar Llamas Have In Store? Here You Go :) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/BWxTF0i8nM https://t.co/aK2i5SxACl

Anyone else getting awful loading times? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/xT5c30KNbs https://t.co/bUjR1eG3ea

Install Failed - Error Code: IS-MF01-1392-1392 via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/jqF1xNjMBA https://t.co/y0eGNbqDwU

New outlander evos? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/WHZFAS9L2G https://t.co/C31EhP8Mtz

Dragon's Roar Sixth Roll via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/9UuzW4n7wx https://t.co/MIW1IW9Y4r

Keyboard and mouse support on Xbox One? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/GWC6wqWMs0 https://t.co/DABRBBVF4q

ok, this is literally unplayable via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Oz0DlZQvdw https://t.co/PGbisWCezs

Group Finder Thursday - your weekly LFG thread! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/N5sBsDzbml https://t.co/Fg3ZzZqqQM

Survivor squad easy explanation via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/nidvl2RYd3 https://t.co/ogI8Oxhe9B

Custom Keybindings via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/eozuV3Wd1a https://t.co/WKJmAmoFG8

128 challenges difficulty. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Zy9wMvXzyo https://t.co/U9nXrGblfN

Stats not showing (PS4) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/4jKnqRdfd4 https://t.co/gWJsX7dVEx

[N HELP] Sorry, you are visiting our service too frequent, please try again later. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/3FOkxqj2xn https://t.co/KgjgUpqzfR

Until when is the 50% off sale? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/svMp9rZ3BJ https://t.co/8s9dRrMCI4

New defender class idea - AFKer/Trader via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/JqE9mID7fd https://t.co/3I7P6vXH8d

So I’m going to buy stw in a bit I’m gonna play on ps4 but can I buy on “pc/mac”? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Qch43wUYB8 https://t.co/Srn722ucbb

Can we make the removal of hat accessories/backpacks visible in the command center? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/r6irmr7sty https://t.co/rNd1WNFRAO

Hero rework release?? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/aAjznZBucP https://t.co/Iz0z7otYLV

what were the requirements for the paragon banner via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/VjSIPASxMt https://t.co/OV6EaQAXTs

Adding a Search Bar to some Pages would be a Good Quality of Life Update via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/0BnRnACGd0 https://t.co/jtsUzMC5CH

Jack Dorsey(Twitter CEO) on Stephan Livera’s bitcoin podcast on Saturday via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/uH8zthn5Gm

if bitcoin supply runs out, can alts be still sold for BTC conversion? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/GkAYFnyBAJ

Is there an easy to use iOS LN wallet ? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/UJzBABSaTg

BTCPay Crowdfunding App (Bitcoin Kickstarter and Indiegogo alternative) via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/kTM3S0joGn

Regulatory Mess Around Bitcoin — State and federal regulators struggle to define what BTC is. Can this create major problems for Bitcoin? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/22MRsP31Dy

https://t.co/f2UAsgj4OC Lightning Network freelancing platform review via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/4rgv4pZvKM

Daily Discussion, February 07, 2019 via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/IRnr313bKH

Crypto coin trading : What can you expect from Bitcoin in 2019? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/rinQnHdyuo

Would you go all in? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/M8eY5gutUz

LN Channel Updates via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/eI2UojdrZE

Could the Latest Bitcoin Dump Lead to an Upside Breakout Scenario? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/1H8T1ASI8q

Two Lightning Nodes via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/PxpPo6PFso

What did i just read!! via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/MgGh2u3lvm

Lightning Showdown: A comparison between the onboarding and payment speed between a traditional fiat wallet and a lightning wallet. via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/yJDnq0nnFB

Bluzelle A Decentralized Database For The Future via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/SDUS3pJaZj

Noob question but why is the Bitcoin handle promoting Bitcoin Cash? I feel like they're confusing people on purpose via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/HEVCFIIZRc

The number of transactions today are as high as January 18' yet the fees never been any lower. via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/a0FZcAnhaE

How Will Bitcoin Influence the Advertising Industry via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/fetOhK0rvg

People Coming Back to the Bitcoin Camp via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/20szTN2b8A

What's the best solution to accept Bitcoin and Lightning Payments in one? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/a5TEBtCCg7

RT @coinyeezy: RoBoTs ArE tAkInG oVeR https://t.co/bwtxw5Dctg

RT @CaptainAshBacon: Two Ships, One Mega Keg. #SeaOfThieves ft/ @Bmoretimore12 @GullibleGambit https://t.co/mGZYCrkK91

RT @lightning_hood: We have to say, it is humbling to see that we are almost at 500 followers. Far away from a few months ago, just a few dudes with ideas and passion for Bitcoin and Lightning Network ⚡️⚡️ For our 500th follower we will be giving out a 6 Pack of Stickers! https://t.co/pHIlIVeVt1

RT @AnnialisFTW: I'm honestly enjoying Apex Legends a lot, but I never have anyone to play it with because I have no friends. Would anyone like to play with me sometime? 😭