
Mostrando entradas de febrero 5, 2019

RT @renepickhardt: Learn about Data Scientific approved methods that you can use to increase your earned routing fees on the #LightningNetwork Better strategies than adjusting routing fees or creating many channels exist! --> https://t.co/F2PTDNy1ID < -- @alexbosworth @jungly @dmytro_piatkivs

RT @WorldCryptoNet: How to open a #LightningNetwork payment channel and finally #RideTheLightning? It's quite easy actually, and all the complexity is abstractions in the UX! With @HillebrandMax https://t.co/jdThnsvbE5

RT @crypto_sarah9: Why would anyone trust nerd money vs. central bank money? Nerds brought you the internet. Banks brought you the great depression. 🤔🤣 #MondayThoughts

RT @coindesk: The bitcoin community is currently immersed in an experiment called the “lightning torch," and it's reached 37 countries so far. https://t.co/bFjdhAn9D6

RT @LEAD_digital: Der User @hodlonaut hat eine Aktion gestartet, bei der Bitcoins wie eine Art Kettenbrief an Menschen weltweit verschickt werden. Das beweist die Vorteile des Bitcoin Lightning Networks. https://t.co/NBKXMJn3gt via @LEAD_digital #blockchain #bitcoin #LNtrustchain #LightningNetwork

Xbox Lobbys via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/tpy3mMkxmH https://t.co/Dda5WwkuIa

Strange rainbow effect via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/bAFKq8lA4e https://t.co/I0Q4zfpNaw

Epic perk up is now more frequent after the analysis someone did...coincidence or is Epic aware of the drought? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/uMRgRGJGKM https://t.co/o62qdVDkM4

Lunar Llamas confirmed to be returning at the cost of 500 (snowflake) tickets. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/rf2X8DQoLE https://t.co/j2gZrs6TQM

Idea for better visibility on individual levels and available XP for your survivor squads. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/xJjmKnW8Vf https://t.co/gFxEx9SpEU

Now that we can peek inside Upgrade Llamas... let's improve them further permanently! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/WEfIPN8ZcJ https://t.co/LpMgNuOkYG

Can anyone help me understand what taxis are in this game? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/khBbjWZrVK https://t.co/ZxR7IdZQO0

Would be cool if we got some of the outfits from the season 2 battle pass as medieval heroes. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/BR3LkqRvPN https://t.co/xxAoP9lAfV

Incoming! v7.30 Content Update via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/VVBzClE1lM https://t.co/qN3fnA4OBz

New to canny. Do i stick with malachite or upgrade? And obsidian or shadowshard? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/vEwEXLs2aj https://t.co/oWfeyWKPJf

Is the fix for not getting perkups/reperks back when recycling a schematic coming with the next patch? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/2OnxdSE2Df https://t.co/tEaEtQFUlp

Adding other corrosion modifiers? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/0TvtY3fFdQ https://t.co/BJAI5rOyzc

Item Shop via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/p0lxlEoyvR https://t.co/77votJ8ahO

Is this supposed to be the Outlander pose now? It’s been like that for a while. I think it’s a bug. Fix it please guys 😁 via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/iaFE0hztOA https://t.co/1GKJcaNYdV

Buying a gift card for a pc gamer via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/n4hRYJFBNO https://t.co/voTFjDANlm

Lunar Llamas mean no event? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/F4bW5SVgJR https://t.co/KIZhky5OfZ

Google+ shut down as of April, 2nd - what will happen to us if we used Google+ epic login? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/A7m6W9a7tA https://t.co/19r2QqfYzE

Make Traps Reusable via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/kih5UG9YBS https://t.co/ujMvmQI3V9

game crashing and loading screen bug via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/lIF9WDfzBg https://t.co/hkZjxkzzZp

I bought a Troll Loot Truck Llama because it had two mythic leads. The next one contained the exact same two mythic leads. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/UhhlK1Nsp8 https://t.co/CBTwAhI03d

After Hero Rework (and maybe Twine) Could we get a Mission Rework? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/XB2w2NU4Np https://t.co/b5wKV0mzuj

Frostnite 128 build guide (w/ video) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/cAFmdZ9nWg https://t.co/kOgfYFCjB2

Anyone else have this issue (PS4) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/O42pBUsUwP https://t.co/d9QTYqziGc

PL needed to enter Canny Valley via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/OYp02Qbayk https://t.co/VyA2wC6eSW

Frostnite rejoin? Why is it not a thing? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/UOTpAAl1vZ https://t.co/0aMre1clCt

Daily Llama 4/Feb/2019 via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/1eY7RO0xXp https://t.co/giXYF5LkG6

Rececyling survivors via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/xRpvSQpzdV https://t.co/JXMHrHt9DV

Heavy base kyle make the game funnier via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/gd0Zg29kMg https://t.co/UPgKQcAdWu

Haha, my daily missions couldn't have been any better. (Unless there's a 3rd Ninja quest out there.) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/aa30iLT66v https://t.co/PNNulXYBEg

QOL Change # UI: A better display of Survivor Squads, compact view that shows up all squads on the screen, displaying the details of the selected one. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/QFVmgsrUhI https://t.co/m2LXREaND9

Twine Peaks ”Underpowered” Glitch via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/j8CwoV1xGg https://t.co/FPPBmSob7h

Why are you doing these things ? A.k.a. leech/afk Cat 4 perk up (high Twine) and Striker/Pathfinder "Players Type" via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/S8zBPqcX5I https://t.co/Ut7Q60gZni

Please Make It Stop via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/EjbgzGbey8 https://t.co/hmsFmR8wKT

I need some help please via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/fKpS61Ow1Y https://t.co/WF6xDLvA48

Help!! File related via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/EKJbkx1Kw2 https://t.co/I4ggG5xeUc

A helpful video on how to Clear Propanes From Trap Tunnels For E.g For PL 128 Frostnite via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/dlAoSsQbQV https://t.co/YwP2XOl6Tz

QOL Change # Research Points: Gather automatically Investigation Points after entering Save The World. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/1ji9bSlNzc https://t.co/GcDHcwFqx2

Does anyone here stream STW on Mixer? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/dwPZVjEFq1 https://t.co/RAobJzuhLi

FORTNITE STREAMS YEAHHH!! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/95KPXSyhA1 https://t.co/ZJLX0amg2a

Heavy Base Kyle Hype? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Py4cXl7Dmh https://t.co/XSnVQdcKgz

Wall light perks - all impact or 3x impact and 2x reload? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/pbhpRHBTqp https://t.co/WyeCKr9rIF

What to get... via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/OxlAMssAWL https://t.co/9yEzoMGok0

Opening Screen When Starting Fortnite via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/wrKcNfsNsY https://t.co/9UDckJBiO3

A friend asked me to draw this and record myself - video in comments. Even though he meant the other mode, I love these heroes in StW too (especially their voices!) I hope you guys like this drawing and forgive me for double posting on the subs ♥ (PS… https://t.co/PAeC4ZW2sZ https://t.co/hWGFx1L6EL

What sniper rifle in the game does the highest damage per shot? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/qsx35cCBrl https://t.co/SbcQjzmlxD

Is there a way to turn of the victory cinematic and the end of every around via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/z1lg42vNlM https://t.co/5CIm5QfUmX

After my trap tunnel video got popular, I made a friend and then we played together. then we picked up another guy on a run through Stonewood. I love this game and its community! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/TsutuiuC2T https://t.co/EuRc5PkLUE

Never seen SC's spawn so close together via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/17VYA8wRBF https://t.co/ODuOlHUvEt

Easy Anti Cheat BSOD via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/XjzeaACaXg https://t.co/kLPLVgnVAe

I need help with some keybinds via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/ekFYo4Jaek https://t.co/Pt8M9chhDx

Xbox Bug List via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/79CqmuNBFA https://t.co/Y5yLEmeyfb

Solo is boring? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/yK3NeQIpum https://t.co/2AGyU51MpD

Can we get a Club specialist Outlander? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/bL9P2DKNBy https://t.co/ztgSgGpA4b

How to get people to play with? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/ANQ3KLSDm0 https://t.co/hSNx4LZidK

To those affected by Endless Loading Screens via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/vrhV9NNw8M https://t.co/BNOPew0NId

Saw this and could only think of STW so thought I'd share for y'all as well. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/thhd6cN3Rk https://t.co/LnZg9zDZFh

Nice radar tower you got there. Shame if something happened to it. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/1zAcmdDUHx https://t.co/flmM2jgMWo

What types of melee weapons are good for outlanders and which ones in particular? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/ntcaPVDq0Y https://t.co/1DmjcYIoa1

Save the world discount via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/0mmDrzT8bK https://t.co/0QiOdWtcke

Finally have a good Bitcoin-only iOS wallet to recommend via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/F4JFEtjipE

Is joinmarket a very small market? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/qp8Yiw3vMS

Here’s why Square’s Cash App is the most SECURE way to buy BTC (and why you should STOP using Binance, Coinbase, Bitfinex etc) via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/tTjWjAUxc8

Thanks to Bitcoin, People Have Taken An Interest In Markets, Investing, Charting and Fundamentals via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/kcHmHxy6Mq

New "Proof of Reserves" tool from Blockstream - Don't trust, verify!! via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/bdTWompC4q

Where to purchase a prepaid gift card using bitcoins via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/Sjp7XO2Xv1

New FUD dice. Automate your Bitcoin critiques! via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/aITFuORzLj

Why is bitcoin adoption so slow? It's been 10 years. The euro was already used by over 330 million people at this point. via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/PXatnbZuTs

First seastead is now in international waters. Only currencies accepted..฿ & BTC via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/mdL3cotS6Z

FRONT PAGE OF AUSTRALIAS MAIN NEWSPAPER - Banks have been ripping people off, are we surprised at all? No. Reinforces why being in control of your money (bitcoin) is the way to go. via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/JBsLht9eK3

Its Time to GO via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/yAnGDBlTNR

A bit of an off topic strectch... but further evidence that decentralization ( as is part of bitcoin's design) is a strength? Napoleon's army was innovative and strong because each part could operate as an independent army for a period of time. via /r/Bi… https://t.co/z0chlksbq6

Question regarding the Bitcoin halving via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/F9531Z7Qui

Alex Sunnarborg confirmed as speaker at TOKEN2049 via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/JPQBrEwvCu

Bitcoin Toilet Paper - 250 sheets - 3 ply | eBay via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/1xwOoMI03D

The Facebook blockchain development team adds strength with an acquihire via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/VRvE6NnWgj

Daily Discussion, February 05, 2019 via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/2UslX3ARyc

How do you store your bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/jsQsFWjZjx

Downloaded a fake electrum. via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/gKsWAXwezN

Bitcoin and Deflation. Can someone teach me the basics? via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/d18STDJG5r

Epic thanks for the taco 🌮 https://t.co/sWh60r3DtR

RT @riibrego: it feels like just a couple of years ago my siblings and I were watching the adventure time pilot episode; I can't believe it's coming to an end!! I got to do this cover for the comic series a while back and even now it's one of my favorite pieces :') https://t.co/r15NLYupn4

RT @bitcoinmom: Huge thanks to @hodlonaut for starting #LNTrustChain a few weeks ago. Still going around the world with many 😎🤩 bitcoiners holding the torch for a moment. Track the global path here: https://t.co/IOtnxClzNh https://t.co/WHG8pFRDan

RT @PsLoveTiff: 🐷🎐 Happy lunar new year‼ 🌚🎊 ♥️ 新年快樂!!‼🐖🎎

RT @LaFamil26924186: Marsh walking no big deal @marshmellomusic https://t.co/1Qj5VpwnZU

RT @gigiigriffin: Ok @marshmellomusic did a set on fortnite and look at this fuckin HEADBANGA https://t.co/58FmPsEXhY

RT @matt_odell: Yo @jack, You ready to carry the torch? Send me an invoice for 2860000 sats. #LNtrustchain #bitcoin https://t.co/7BmDBidKR6

RT @OverwatchTXT: https://t.co/D7AEvHSiku

RT @clutchwin: Beautiful double snipe from jagkillah playing Fortnite. #xbox #playstation #clutchwin https://t.co/8wO3heV43s

RT @marshmellomusic: What a weekend 💕 https://t.co/nJ8Neksuh5

RT @CasaHODL: ICYMI: Making payments using your Casa Node just got way easier https://t.co/vkqDN4NKcP