
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 30, 2018

¡URF News está disponible! https://t.co/7IPctXPl4X Gracias a @LeagueQuest @hdjirdeh #digitalmarketing #javascript

[Humor] What's the worst excuse for a failed War Attack that you have recieved in any clan? https://t.co/aUIG1sKi64 #ClashofClans https://t.co/sFyFIABrMp

Just scrolling through old screenshots to find the world's sexiest stampeding kodo https://t.co/syso5Z3YYt #hearthstone https://t.co/dbJ1x8Wzak

What’s the point on the massive increase in gold when there’s nothing to buy? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

My son plays LoL and I struggle to communicate with him. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/iybge2PNkG

How to choose your role based on personality. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/kfOEtCaMRs

My best lucky yet!! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/GjtFbqtuv1

You haven't mercy killed until you... https://t.co/XY2GloqAHt #hearthstone https://t.co/k2ePGgJ0J2

Samuro's Critical Strike UI: please display it like Kharazim's trait. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/4YvtezVaL4

Game losing 10/10 Hook https://t.co/zZEQZWvpbK #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/yY5D5ITvGJ

This one goes out to all TGN Squadron members past and present. It has been an honor working with all of you! https://t.co/UOsfHtuFTf #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/hFAQ3wb8OZ

If you have a level 20 Artanis on your team, it's probably a good idea to follow the laser. https://t.co/Lc5BMq6RB3 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/hsk4Hx0lAo

[Bug] 'Ready' Button disappearing semi-frequently. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/BoLfcwXvH0

AOE for Ants https://t.co/iRMeB08kOG #fortnite

Damn Epic...... https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

This balongs here, too! https://t.co/gBGRYjIl8s #fortnite

[WAR] So we decided to have a big war with our clan and planned and reminded people all month long to prepare... turns out our opponent seems to be fwa and base 1 and base 28 are real layouts. While all the rest are fwa bases 🤦‍♂️ Well that sucks … https://t.co/Vq3gLm1oaP

Space Gorilla gets outsmarted via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/fnbfbIAY8R

After 160 hours in comp I finally reached plat. I know it’s not even that high but it’s my career highest. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/NfAGL0mJtL

Vote on Gym Candy? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/64urMzHybW

The 2 things founders should be rewarded in S6 https://t.co/cd7CDnDMpS #fortnite

You need 26 616 000 survivor XP ,7424 Pure drops of Rain ,3264 Lighting in a Bottle ,1572 Eye of the Storm ,554 Storm Shard ,4704 training manuals and 894000 research points to reach absolutely max lvl in game (125 100%) https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

DisguisedToast did it again //www-cdn.jtvnw.net/images/twitch_logo3.jpg #hearthstone https://t.co/swaAIhgoyG

Toast crunchs some numbers on Hearthstone's viewership across expansions https://t.co/yhPxDtxnkp #hearthstone https://t.co/Jv58mBLP3v

6K Shatter via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/DNjY2tjbZ9

Overwatch's potg system working as intended via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/StWRD5joPm

Overwatch Maps as Tiny Planets via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/FoVDSz0JGE

Cleaning up overtime as DF. That first punch was 100% intended :^) via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/N5nYZwBhNc

Low Impact Quality of Life Improvement: ‘random’ option for skins on characters, one similar to the random option for ‘highlight intro’. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/ECgkeYkojJ

There's a hidden song playing at this particular building in Busan via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/N8JmJT5lK6

My flashbang haunts even after death via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/nyKmUcaGfm

When you're tired of baby https://t.co/lK4WW9cRN5 but have other priorities via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/jRKFRsZerf

How to 3vs3 via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/nfJu5Zmd2b

'D.mon or https://ift.tt/2NbVrPy' by TheCecile via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/jq56PvNBYL

Pokémon Go just became a lot more realistic via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/e30JK56Slg

A Other Mode's suggestion I would totally use in Save The World https://t.co/4M8SLt09oK #fortnite

Heroes of the Storm: WP and Funny Moments #180 https://t.co/n1LnfTiHdI #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/df1mcESDwu

[GOAL] Hit 6 perfect wars in a row after getting sieges for the clan. 24 wins in a row now! https://t.co/YGZZvuV98Q #ClashofClans https://t.co/maqMglkxlL

[MISC] People dropping trophies accidentally brought me back to Master 3 from Gold without attacking https://t.co/CCwMdQV3Wa #ClashofClans https://t.co/ivufwNzxq2

[HIMB] I need help on how to hit this not I'm a new th 12 and he has his th gigatesla at max and alot further then me https://t.co/ozRskZdZeL #ClashofClans https://t.co/weVaJFiTGG

[RAIDS] it’s always nice to get an unexpected 3 star https://t.co/l9nsjf9LXy #ClashofClans https://t.co/XPS3mvbyUD

[ASK] Should I rush to th9? If so, how? https://t.co/yD3LSefxOL #ClashofClans https://t.co/OIO9WWqQsi

[GLITCH] literally unplayable https://t.co/gCudHnIE2o #ClashofClans https://t.co/4t9Gl8YtFK

[GLITCH] Wall Wrecker destroys Town Hall https://t.co/VSlNjmWW3f #ClashofClans https://t.co/g0Mkhm1Yjt

[HUMOR] Who needs to upgrade heroes? https://t.co/cYSe5LyAai #ClashofClans https://t.co/unt3QONo2k

[MISC] This seems really steep for such a tiny amount of gold https://t.co/dGf7JE6stl #ClashofClans https://t.co/j1APD5jS7B

[HUMOR] The notification my opponent receives during my Builder Base attacks https://t.co/MUHtoGEtJ1 #ClashofClans https://t.co/zmHdbR2TAo

Why is nobody angry that Sejuani has been nerfed into absolute oblivion just because she is abused in pro play? ~1% pick and ~44% winrate in solo q is NOT okay for such a straightforward champion. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/dqE9Ch6KSX

The most obnoxious thing about druid is it's almost impossible to tell which druid you're playing against until it's too late to win https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/bfDHjM72os

Top Cards of the Week from r/CustomHearthstone (09/29/2018) https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/E9YZ6RkfMx

Supercollider is not working properly... So i hit the amani berserker with supercollider and it attacked cobalt scalebane for only 2 dmg even tho it was already damaged https://t.co/Usp1HBZDWa #hearthstone https://t.co/X5s7zS1KP0

I repeat, always go face. https://t.co/2F6iEMVRit #hearthstone https://t.co/k3hTzitMPq

So so satisfying https://t.co/nNbfo0pZFP #hearthstone https://t.co/81uuJuRMuw

If you evolve a minion with Ice Walker, it freezes after the hero power triggers. https://t.co/MLlGA0J6e2 #hearthstone https://t.co/cyzNrUfcVl

Azari actually helped me get rid of the those last pesky cards https://t.co/jUvqpBYRcL #hearthstone https://t.co/lRM9TRIeGy

Hello everyone, I really enjoyed making this card Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, make your constructive review review and tell me what the next card will be! https://t.co/clelFBqCdV #hearthstone https://t.co/eQxwGFtZlZ

https://t.co/NLQ0f3yagG - A Look At The Most Popular https://t.co/NLQ0f3yagG Posts https://t.co/SGXwpwpfWu #hearthstone https://t.co/HtzPDRD0Wi

https://t.co/NLQ0f3yagG - Most Popular 1-Cost Minions in Standard https://t.co/rDwe5UNm39 #hearthstone https://t.co/uVnyYIzyIY

Hey STW Team, turn this guy into a Heavy BASE constructor with turntables for the deployable BASE generator module! https://t.co/8dYDvgsJMa #fortnite

yum... cookie meat... https://t.co/qCBuBk7kVz #fortnite

Press f to pay respect https://t.co/w4DtbfejfV #fortnite

“There’s still good in you” https://t.co/zhdgLNFbRw #fortnite

Where is your god now? https://t.co/FPWleZPkZf #fortnite

The one event I'm more excited for than Fortnitemares... https://t.co/8BcwfsmkWY #fortnite

I was digging through some 2014 magazine junk and then... https://t.co/yy155z8tnO #fortnite

posting it on both subs because it works https://t.co/UowcuZNKr2 #fortnite

Deficio leaving EULCS? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/s7YrQfiNkw

Why does Kalista have her legs broken but Jhin is allowed to run at mark 2 with Stormrazor? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/WFj7hCns8o

"You're so Iron" doesn't have the same catchiness as "you're so bronze" https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/ujDQvthLmj

A TSM Documentary 1078 - Gbay99 https://t.co/G06WZzoIfJ https://t.co/8KPzM27qNW

I think people forget that league of legends is free to play. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/762dq65JO5

Gen.G is the only defending World Champion that comes back to the tournament with the exact same roster. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/hpZeGay07r

KT Will go 0-6 in groups. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/KijOtSzbgc

Sources: Splyce, H2K and Paris Saint-Germain declined from EU LCS https://t.co/9G5XugOCnU https://t.co/ZgkAIj42Tk

Froskurinn will join the EU LCS in 2019 https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/gUbA65lI3h

Doublelift joins discord with 4 random Korean players https://t.co/UFGcBpcnAd https://t.co/1EYaakExen

Oof! HGC KR - Garrosh accidentally throws teammate instead of sapper into deadly no-go zone on Towers. :( //www-cdn.jtvnw.net/images/twitch_logo3.jpg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/h0XSl6tZoE

[Spoiler] - X strike with no genji in HGC korea //www-cdn.jtvnw.net/images/twitch_logo3.jpg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/vvpAduwLaV

GM-Level Gall Taunt //www-cdn.jtvnw.net/images/twitch_logo3.jpg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/fAqaCPwT6X

Please let Nazeebo ping his stacks of Voodoo Ritual. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/3d0f3VFyN9

During last 24h there were more TL games uploaded to Hotslogs than HL ones https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Z3ylfu2NvV

Please let us ping our nerfs as Chen https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/u6CrK4DsVA

Why Blizzard is not promoting Heroes of the Storm esports like they do with Overwatch League? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/JoLwb3ppDp

Abathur should really get a Toxic Mine UI tracker. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/n9GUqNmCoq

Won 6, lost 4. Havnt played in a year. Straight to Masters? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/3EnaNJFQTS

[Idea][Discussion ] An interesting idea for Deoxys and formes via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/7jkopPIX3d