
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 21, 2017

RIP Huge Rez by Thurinus via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/0vnaX6zuH7

I just lost my promos because I guy had to prove that "we can't win without him" https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroeso… https://t.co/V1alB77coD

We are 1 month in since Ornn release and I still didn't see a single Ornn who destroyed a player-made terrain … https://t.co/4x4uNFpbBo

Instead of messing with dust, why not just increase the frequency of goldens? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/JghGgfft2Q

Savjz - Nothing can kill Doomsayer! https://t.co/aPmzIKQeuO #hearthstone https://t.co/qDSo720lD1

IDEA: Make dance emotes available on heroes birthdays. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/iOqkeVlOFE

ORIGINS: Ahri https://t.co/PRqxucBzho https://t.co/pO4yXDdJ01

[Humor?] The ultimate gym defender tier list via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/onjHDCJTSZ

Murky needs a Pachimari skin https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/GNUMrnwH9m

Dear Blizzard, it will be very helpful if you can tell us the number of cards missing from each expansion in our c… https://t.co/NBQ20ncr5f

[ASK] Good Builder Base YouTubers? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/t2Do1qWJRh

[humor] Professional queen AI https://t.co/zP4rAqeRKB #ClashofClans https://t.co/UWE9YiWYax

[MISC] [ASK] Those who rushed: let's chat! https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/0AAhfwZwW9

This or That: Doing the Cho'Math https://t.co/tsiJfs0yYq https://t.co/BGmVJD62fd

The best nano boost I have ever recieved via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/zBedeHzCCl

Faststest I’ve ever taken the second point in competitive. Around 23 seconds total. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/JFwcIcPFbK

Feel good PoGo story via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/4DVCTCvNps

It would be nice if we could organize our decks https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/PjqbZyrQtj

The monthly request that blizzard end region lock for this game https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Q2aEkTvxeF

Missions should not effect overall game quality https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/f8siVbWxPg

What's the difference between Purify and Iron Hide? Iron Hide is draftable in arena. Warrior arena win rate is 38.… https://t.co/9ORSPrQXft

Jeff Kaplan: the consequences of toxic behaviour via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/zgpSNX8Ggi

I totally forgot to post that deflect via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/wYKFwILYuq

[Photo] i made myself a go plus permapress Gadget via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/R9Kbt0FoFQ

[MISC] Maxed basically everything, now it's time for the hero grind https://t.co/42xv1VggoT #ClashofClans https://t.co/AH4MRAGc39

Udyr skin Spirit Guard IRL - cosplay https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/m6Zhg3PldW

I'm surprised how good Snowflipper Penguin is when you're creating a zombeast. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthsto… https://t.co/HSkmZMrFNG

Leaked promotional image of secret Equinox event item via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/T60PDPclrv

I'm from Puerto Rico and this is my favorite Pokemon Go Spot =( [discussion] via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/rgr1mZ3REM

[Photo] Accurate Pokémon spawn via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/gHftVjoLPm

Really proud of this. Bellsprouts are rare in my town and Victreebel was my first holographic card from my first b… https://t.co/A33ZLc8cek

Here's a list of 24 books that you can read while you playing against Fatigue Warrior while playing a Fatigue Warr… https://t.co/0tStYbUX27

Starting this game is impossible https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/nmikFiXRls

TownHall Heroes Ep.157 https://t.co/jAmaLFRyNw #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/ADMHR5FijZ

¡El último The pokemon go Daily! https://t.co/V4OIqhi5Qy Gracias a EsmeCollado ronaldhinooo SKuemy #tcdisrupt #clashofclans

DanielZCleve confirmed that next new champion is a Mage by CertainlyT https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/6wpRRdmG6q

Sona was Released 7 Years Ago Today https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/mq5dssXyOD

I drew and animated that map of Valoran - here's the complete version https://t.co/irtg4o3bIl https://t.co/65dV4P92a6

¡URF News está disponible! https://t.co/6rcB46OA5j #digitalmarketing #itblogs

A Zenyatta piece that I've worked super hard on!! Please check it out!! via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/xbpdHzhyT8

[misc] it has been nearly 1 year and 3 months since the home village has seen a new, perminanent troop. … https://t.co/cL1riyOQDp

Saw this at a dollar store.. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/u6AIATeswS

Tip : Accept getting carried from times to times, you can't always be playing your best https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #… https://t.co/abc5J2OHIt

playing through the eyes of rexxar https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/9wlmjXbDmr

Evolve Clownfiesta https://t.co/vKT1Hr5tqh #hearthstone https://t.co/YRDglwHTms

All my opponents on ladder https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/lCrVArX3AZ

[Goal]I'm finally done after 3 years and 4 months :) https://t.co/to0MaFeCnV #ClashofClans https://t.co/cYTLzvGikm

Unless you have the time and support to do tier 4/5 raids everyday TM's are effectively inaccessible to you. There… https://t.co/4YtXfewZc8

The enemy Lucio kept harassing our team, so I laughed pretty hard when this happened via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/UDb0Ce85U2

5 Tank + 1 Lucio is the New Meta! via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/2Cw968iMQ1

Random useless fact: Hanamura was updated after its removal https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/j2adN4ijff

In 6 hours, the Volskaya Foundry showmatch between Gale Force eSports and Team Freedom will start! … https://t.co/xkIxoaEeP4

Don't be that guy via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/jsEjaW5kjk

League of Legends World Championship: Mid laner power rankings https://t.co/mwf8t1j0o4 https://t.co/ynFs3xVV1m

Til Herald can be saved until later by hiding it between krugs and wall https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/GnLh6wdFvc

What I learned playing Wild for a month https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/2sAkLMb8A5

[ASK] Hi!! May i know what is this object? and what it does in COC, Anyone?? https://t.co/Vxfi9W84r3 #ClashofClans https://t.co/4OzKerpdkf





Get Hype! Next rotation will be the best ever. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/AMJi284Goy

Kel'thuzad's Shadow Fissue no longer resets on enemy hit. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/T7HVbI92tj

As a Mercy main, I am in love with new Mercy. But I'm getting a bit tired of: "Oh my god, why would you solo rez?"… https://t.co/Vsnzzv08cJ

Permanent Competitive Play Bans Incoming – 9/27 via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/gKTo9lN1ZK

Overwatch on Twitter: Now get ready for… via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/g4y6tCXfiG

Because I have no friends, I thought I would share the best pack I've ever opened starring two legendaries! … https://t.co/kUVShQrrDl

What is the correct etiquette when playing the Dead Man's Hand mirror? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/njpDBxVXEk

When you accept death, but it does not want you via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/DhHpes0K0B

The Dive: Worlds Top 20, Patch 7.18, & Play-In Predictions (Season 1, Episode 24) https://t.co/k1VmAINJxV https://t.co/GJgsTkGFLA

[Glitch] Anyone else notice that the BM swings and misses sometimes? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/6XPJYWQZPf

[IDEA] Why can't you challenge your own base? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/MGEhGssjuU

SKT will make it to Worlds finals, and lose (proof provided) https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/2rbYRAbVgY

Huge Maokai Bug involving his passive and his saplings. 100% reproduction rate https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/wNVr8055Hm

Flyquest Moon sees the future and predicts Ezreal Jungle 4 months ago on beyond the rift https://t.co/C6slFuSOgc https://t.co/Z4YnnzEdvQ

We need some tweaks to HL and TL: more skill, less luck https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/cLdLd41KKZ

ProTip: You don't always NEED to do something to win. Seriously. You CAN just stand still and WAIT until the next … https://t.co/7unRxENQT4

Morales Zero Suit https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/BVmD2qYgal

Toast Gets FeelsBadMan’d https://t.co/8LGE4eVy7F #hearthstone https://t.co/TCAuETM628

[Art] F-F-F-F-F... via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/42pX48SJu1

Two years ago, a HotS meme was born! https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/yvZ0gPcIWB

Operation Pagle https://t.co/p8bFaJP3eg #hearthstone https://t.co/cm9t3H5nTp

Why can't the victory screen look like THIS in a draw? via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/yeQwaWO0sT

[Humor] Just a regular Zubat encounter... via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/rhmJzTkTIo

[Glitch] What in the world?! https://t.co/QmXuNFEs1K #ClashofClans https://t.co/sxQaih5llU

Dog Gets A Donation https://t.co/aY0yZGHbF0 #hearthstone https://t.co/EUYj1Hl1db

[Goal] After four years, I'm finally done. https://t.co/vY6kNl2GCj #ClashofClans https://t.co/oTpUF9rooX

Bring back honourable opponent https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/cPL5szB1US

[NEXT] What should I upgrade first as a new TH 10? https://t.co/QTEIV18Woe #ClashofClans https://t.co/pgC6arNDZU

A Hitbox glitch and yes it does happen in comp and quick play. I was testing it as lucio in comp and instead of sh… https://t.co/MOp8xF1zFy

STOCK UP NOW!!! If history repeats itself... you will want to stock up on Pokeballs prior to the 'Celebrate the Eq… https://t.co/vxfbH0Lgmp

Pokemon GO over level 40 via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/Fxid97wLCZ

The 2017 Reddit Gifts Pokemon exchange is live! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/UqtV7obl8O

Premium Raid Passes Should be Bundled via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/ZvCknt5yvB

HotS has a surprisingly high number of left handed heroes https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/exTAEwSarR

Big congrats to Gillyweed, Bakery, Schwimpi and L5 for their nominations in the Esports Industry Awards. … https://t.co/4Jgy3ig2wQ

Hi, hello, how are you, I'm ristiuMMask, with over 2 Million Champion Points on Garen. I'd like to talk about the … https://t.co/YkIPhESWzU

Turns out playing Prince Keleseth 7 times is pretty good. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/09q10ggmnC

[IDEA] Spell idea https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/gwvvli2R4B

When mercy just wants to watch you burn over and over again via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/IvxtZqJgJd

The Overwatch League Welcomes Final Teams for Inaugural Season via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/01NmzqC1ZA

[ASK] Sorry for asking, but... https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/0dzYvdfHre

[Ask] If you could spend a night out on the town with one Clash of Clans character who would you hang out with and… https://t.co/c9GErIFLb2

Eve teaser on Philippine LoL FB https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/iNyRbtjTj6

Toast Makes a Call https://t.co/QIU795y8fW #hearthstone https://t.co/Mao4YWPvzv

After watching the last 24 hours of posts regarding Mercy's rework: Blizzard, please make your next hero release a… https://t.co/apML3AECWY

NEW! D.VA setting "Hold to Boost" like S76 "Hold to Sprint" - Overwatch Forums via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/PvPqutppto