
Mostrando entradas de mayo 3, 2018

¡URF News está disponible! https://t.co/5kiAtG5S5d Gracias a @PCGamesN @apollineadiju @magicconvo #travel #gamedev

Teleporters are fun! https://t.co/z9KYEjX9Fw #fortnite

Level 20's should not be able to queue into a level 70 mission. Ever. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

What are the odds?! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/szzsdsV1Fn

Accidentally found this amazing LOL fanart on google! https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/wu4nZmncZK

[LiquidHeroes] Deckard Caine First Thoughts, Analysis and Pro Opinions (Crusen, Jun, KzN, Nabbyjm, Shad, Splendour, Zoos) https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/2lpXz33Pjg

I hope we get more Carbot animated sprays... https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/UWOVxfkExO

Tyrande really needs a good visual indicator for Hunter's Mark https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/R41HYRegOD

Grubby Cosplays as Tracer, the Dark Nexus has taken it's toll https://t.co/XBVt12g3hu #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Vh8dxxyYJU

Why does ETC’s healing not show up on the stats screen? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/D4GZshjG6h

Petition: choosing loading screens https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/PX2tbsU4GC

[GOAL] Finally! Now on to TH11! https://t.co/UiAlxlpMqF #ClashofClans https://t.co/m1L4iDoO9s

It's about sending a message. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/2cr6MBsqm3

“A wild Ninetales appeared” via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/AY1M0OTgyW

My 7m giant fish weighs as much as a can of beans via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/AZLNcVq9wh

[Idea] Lv11+ Clan Perks: Reduced hero regen, troop/spell cooking time, and reduced troop/spell cost https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/aHepaqsoEU

PSA: MSI Play-in stage starts when this post is 24 hours old https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/9FV8ep4wl0

Skin Concept: Australian Sol https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/FcQ3a1TcZq

Let me give you a lift via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/xTUNlG3pVm

Mercy thought she was safe behind Rein's shield via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/Q2YztnE9Ap

2 years ago https://t.co/8WZBSq8Hw9 #hearthstone https://t.co/aDiLnfEIIT

When you see a survivor in trouble but it’s the one that needs a medkit https://t.co/qEdN0euT1V #fortnite

You know you're a shit player when https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/JcNQjvXVcE

[HUMOR] Some salty kid made a copycat clan after he got rejected from mine and the description has a random list of languages you can/can't speak lol https://t.co/WUGfTWedpq #ClashofClans https://t.co/flGnbUnks1

Bastion mains in a nutshell via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/jYiqi77ljf

"Your RIALTO vacation begins tomorrow on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One!" via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/437VOL0Hw0

I see your Bastion punch, and I raise you this https://t.co/lK4WW9cRN5 bomb. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/uUmXKK4A2V

The Floor is Lava Trophy Achieved! Thanks for the tip, Reddit! via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/u4hoUUi0Vh

Replicated Route 66 Blink Bug. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/Hi826Qs1sD

Have you seen the start of a season? I expected. . . something more? via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/6T81Ui8WVh

Blizzard when you publish the Retribution Infographic, please tell us how many players chose to kill the innocent omnic waiter. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/2qrKCcaZMx

Talon employee of the year via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/xSpdF0NJ2Q

One punch is all Bastion needs. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/QegPqt5Byv

I somehow blinked into the attackers spawn on Route 66. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/jGV1uW4F77

Petition for a shorter alert cooldown (22/23 hours) or a fixed reset time. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Lost connection right after casting Head Crack for lethal https://t.co/VxwcsKFOor #hearthstone https://t.co/oeMHUdggKf

Thanks for being a good sport Hagatha https://t.co/pG6SEmS6cj #hearthstone https://t.co/2l4HS4LLrb

Who is the goodest boi? https://t.co/IYD1EzWJFO #hearthstone https://t.co/UbvtUSZQnk

And people say flare isn’t good. https://t.co/zIrr8Wazbs #hearthstone https://t.co/KDk6RYJTK1

Won a long battle vs Quest Rogue. Instant friend request from opponent...assume the rage is coming. https://t.co/TZSWpMVgtL #hearthstone https://t.co/PCptksUNpC

Biggest hearthstone update of 2018 https://t.co/eL7jgwLwSN #hearthstone https://t.co/VsEQuMSjYt

Thijs with a beautiful mulligan https://t.co/02zOSUKifu #hearthstone https://t.co/zhzXWbWvyL

Kripp rips into the Witchwood in new video - "How Good Is The Witchwood Expansion?" https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/ZFcTILCpyR

Please dear god get rid of the "must win 5 games" reminder after every game https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/hjEG8P3XP6

For April fools next year they should let Hagatha loose in both ranked ladders and twitch stream her progress to legend rank 1 https://t.co/8SiFfIC07f #hearthstone https://t.co/9t9E7H4REG

DANGER ⚡💥⚡HIGH VOLTAGE. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/dWlkD2GxZP

Lucian with reworked ER https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/qCR2D4vIXo

The addition of new champions is ruining League of Legends. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/XEyd1CeFdO

You lose 25% Base Mana Regen when upgrading Frostfang into Rementant of Watchers https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/i0ZaOZTYw7

[Animation] Full AP Sona https://t.co/4CfDnwzF5S https://t.co/FBKYhNXAIi

Conspiracy: Beemo is not a bee https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/HWGKZnH9oD

sOAZ will be playing at MSI https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/G8eOKpBQia

Skin concept: Aubeelion sol https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/FbhU4qSpkF

I just noticed that if both Kayle and Morgana use their shields someone, they become totally immune to everything https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/YeZFjUL9oJ

Alarak's Dark Nexus skin backstory needs a fix https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/5YH8JPYtGi

Don’t “Check Boss” if You’re the Only One Up. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/IUZmCY3RDn

Is Carbot a realm in the Nexus? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/pSxojrtMAH

Do not, get a boss during the curse on the Cursed Hollow map https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Vs09XxLEvE

I really wish we could keep the Dark Nexus background https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/8LFgdmx3KE

Isnt a 100 sec cd on Bunny Hop a little bit too much? Its basically a glorified Thunder Clap https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Fr8kxxaoig

Everytime i see someone post a schematic with all crit dmg perks (The Waterboy) https://t.co/t5Eu7a3Rq5 #fortnite

If Ray is missing in the new storyline because the Fortnite devs can't get Ashley Burch to voice her anymore, I will cry. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Is the day finally upon us ? https://t.co/7airmClKb7 #fortnite

Can play with others please show what we're joining already? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Please Epic bring us back the old Background Music! https://t.co/8WfwaPfjol #fortnite

"I am a bear" https://t.co/jFF5oziBrW #fortnite

I thought this was a pretty sweet screenshot until I realized I forgot to disable my FPS counter, sad times. https://t.co/fr2VYRbAai #fortnite

EPIC: Please Place ALL Boss Loot Drops into Named Capsules - Make It Fair for All Participants https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Well, where is it? https://t.co/JyNqsN6iwu #fortnite

Change his mind. https://t.co/sRD4qHDQRj #fortnite

[ASK] What's the best use of gems these days? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/lFrWaTnzye

[ASK] What are the next clan games rewards info? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/KpIosJUUE7

[GOAL] 4 years of extremely casual wall building later. https://t.co/JWAWtogWGz #ClashofClans https://t.co/GsMWI4hU2I

[GOAL] At last, i got 1000 war stars. https://t.co/RKHV421YcW #ClashofClans https://t.co/wbY2JIMDqP

[GOAL] TH10 Legend https://t.co/6mkDiSDshn #ClashofClans https://t.co/t2O794M2MU

[humor] Queen be like... https://t.co/9fR11T4hts #ClashofClans https://t.co/cUChgO0BBx

[Humor] My response every time I hear someone saying clash sucks https://t.co/O6sGOXfbtM #ClashofClans https://t.co/GBZXIMgbeG

clashroyalblog: Looking for active members for our clan via /r/Clash_Royal https://t.co/zywLaVhljX

clashroyalblog: Join our clan via /r/Clash_Royal https://t.co/5ZnnpH1sPb

Ran into another player today...made my day via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/5okL9rjYdC