
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 16, 2017

[NEXT] Hitting TH11 tomorrow, any advice? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #ClashofClans https://t.co/CPaJqeqZ3D

[Builder][Strategy] Cannon Carts truly are amazing now. If you still haven't found a good strategy for them, here'… https://t.co/jOkcO5OsRY

[Self] - Light Elementalist Lux cosplay by Mikomi Hokina https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/z3DcTEYwB5

Maybe this video won't gain that much traction because it's in spanish, but this man is 74 years old and level 40 … https://t.co/UjOwdauvq3

Alliestraza gets the Shatter lethal https://t.co/NvBx2zAspO #hearthstone https://t.co/kAbwKUB2LW

Beast Priest https://t.co/8PDIUUkXY8 #hearthstone https://t.co/YPRd9ix9Xy

Matt Mercer's (McCree) apology video to fans for not arriving this weeks gaming convention at Kuwait due to his 'S… https://t.co/fBSsrw4iZJ

Fun Fact: China has been outplaced by either NA or EU at every tournament since MSI 2015. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/sgkheoCaQX

[HUMOUR] Trying to sell Supercell... https://t.co/TuJlJkxCiH #ClashofClans https://t.co/MiCRcxMsqo

[Skin Concept] Scorpion King Dehaka. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Y3Bz3ceKh0

This is MY health pack! via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/j9f2bDIm3p

Uhm... via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/O5pGeeOe6m

👐 via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/MA4OLU5j5w

Man I love this spot on Oasis's Garden! Another beautiful halt. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/wjOIpyJSNm

When the Stars Align via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/aiVHH4qW17

Thresh now starts with one soul going against Lucian!! https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/j5KmGhRtkQ

How to close a Chest to keep a Stimpack ready to activate whenever you want https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthes… https://t.co/HuIMAqYhH2

"Lets drop the beat" via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/eNyh1ZY3kc

When the feathers land just right https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/TaZd8tFyaI

[Art] Showing up to solo a Mewtwo because you're the only one that plays in your town and you just haaad to do a M… https://t.co/k9wozMeFix

I was at a local craft fair and caught a shiny Magikarp in front of a "SHINY STUFF" tent! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/Ut91SgowPH

[EVENT] You know the Star Bonus event is going on when your attacker nets -1K Dark Elixir for 3 trophies. … https://t.co/NNAkUjYddn

What becoming good means and how to do it https://t.co/PwHB9SeSgt https://t.co/tPULr6Ebxa

New Xin Zhao vs 6 Items Tristana https://t.co/hOcKmZOJz6 https://t.co/TnVarWos28

Pharah Gets Sniped. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/2MiUwhNa8R

Asshole puckered into a black hole via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/RhXzhsNdRT

What books do you guys like to read while playing against Dead Man's Hand Warrior? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #heart… https://t.co/ReG6xqCGqF

Can we change "Destroyer D.Va" to "D.Va, The Destroyer"? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/TEM7h3n3vD

"A player you were matched with has left the game...". Too bad, not my problem. Put me back in the queue. … https://t.co/KL32NlczbR

Ana Skillset Leak (Spanish) https://t.co/Q0Nn5hHLzg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/CvUYbYBeW1

Can now we get D.Va's old mech AA damage back, please? She was nerfed in the wrong places. … https://t.co/RguoOfWHlq

E.T.C. "pleb" skin, for those who don't know. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/l4zRrSYG7v

HotS community! We need to band together and help out MFPallyTime! https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/WY4RR4lFzz

In Development Video: Ana, Skins, Sprays and More! https://t.co/uwupqIXFbc #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/vQmZi63z1k

unsure if you want to purchase golden weapon?this bug allows you to preview different skins via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/9RzHWqUIbp

Zalae: "I was just informed not to watch the stream because we're taking up too much bandwidth. SICK VENUE." … https://t.co/eDKLytOR9o

Top Cards of the Week from /r/CustomHearthstone (09/016/2017) https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/EF0hXKB9Vc

Shadow Trainer is Everywhere via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/iBnFu1TUS0

Chicken Nugget Xayah and Pizza Dude Rakan [Skin Concept] https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/m3NmZM6n5S

Thought I was close to max TH10 but then I look at my Lab... ;-; [GOAL] https://t.co/lgROsdlw3B #ClashofClans https://t.co/iHXIiXUuUV

Best group outcome or the worst? Another death sentence placement for teams in Worlds Group D … https://t.co/g4LNHPxf6g

[News] Running report from Paris Safari via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/kUeGSUGClk

I've found the Mewtwo hideout via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/C8ctwZ4AY7

Every Lucio's Dream via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/9buo94KzLB

High Voltage via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/8cCgpRY18t

[Builder][Meme] All joking aside I preferred mass usage of the first over the second, the 2nd is near impossible t… https://t.co/vpjg1AzjQW

Showerthought: Without Ice Block, Mage is most likely pretty bad. If Blizzard compensates that with powerful new M… https://t.co/6cmkbBypid

HEARTHSTONE IN REAL LIFE: Chinese fan-made video https://t.co/nvr3X6Ybpc #hearthstone https://t.co/3iNR9JtXH6

¡El último The pokemon go Daily! https://t.co/8c9KgphO4k Gracias a donnimagz Modidoody 1125E #travel #clashofclans

¡URF News está disponible! https://t.co/6181awaW3y Gracias a @ESPN_Esports @RubenEAvila #digitalmarketing #socialmedia

"I'm not locked in here with you! You're locked in here with me!" via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/yNZCsXQXoP

The upcoming basic and classic card nerfs are good for the game but terrible for new players … https://t.co/opgut9qO7x

SUMMON AN EVEN LARGER MAN https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/xn9Hxs8OdM

You can't remake if you bind your afk teammate as Kalista https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/uRkqrXcLwj

Someone on TR managed to run V1.0 and V4.20 https://t.co/q9CI9tMqmv https://t.co/SVBekKqXVb

Imaqtpie - LEAGUE FINALLY KILLED ME https://t.co/SUwRSHusQl https://t.co/0Vg6yAMjFN

I found a bouncy rock for 76 biotic field. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/gv57OXvzCh

A friend of mine (@xfreischutz on twitter) made these gorgeous Overwatch Charms! More in the comments. via /r/Over… https://t.co/2L3EZhkrKH

Stop saying GG after losing the first objective, its never over till the core is dead. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #H… https://t.co/MEbOHUVQ1Y

[Humor] Gods help you, Queen. Now you are truly lost! https://t.co/hrkCYGp6TX #ClashofClans https://t.co/ab8pMEZLC0

[MISC] Sometimes I just stare at the Builder Base for the entire 45 seconds and be like "I have no idea how the fu… https://t.co/DmPo6dYWs9

4 Supports. 4 Ardent Censers. 1 Kog'Maw. https://t.co/zoTeyQoaUI https://t.co/soe8WTNQ1c

Chase Your Legend - Xiaohu | Worlds 2017 https://t.co/AHaN0PxkbT https://t.co/MerkbpcJdy

team kill, they said via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/6YgtihGoJW

2:53 - Nidalee Lvl 4 Clear (Leashless) - Guide - Patch 7.18 (Repost from /r/NidaleeMains) https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/9MRZfh5Ahy

Some people do not realise about location specific events. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/KPDqwngqyK

To this day, this mockup is the best I've seen. (And it's from January...) via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/utixX75NCt

Overwatch subreddit going bananas over D.Va's new DW skin. Let's thank our devs for their amazing work! … https://t.co/viKwgnc3wI

If a minion dies, what happens? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ https://t.co/IutrYUwxQu

What it really feels like to have a Pokémon Go Plus (made by SoulFish) via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/tZ4kIduL8w

[Builder] Gardening time ☺️ https://t.co/5BQZ27FIWM #ClashofClans https://t.co/qqcekjbGIH

Anyone else think Exodia Mage is the least fun deck to play against in the game? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearths… https://t.co/1UhxJK79Ky

Thijs Tries to Uther OTK https://t.co/winhyk6MIa #hearthstone https://t.co/mAqTnVhgNN

"Oh screw it I'll do it myself" - McCree via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/oIe1kETpQj

Account Suspensions for Non-Participation – Sept 15, 2017 /forums/static/images/social-thumbs/blizzard.png #Heroes… https://t.co/X3Lc4BLlY1

I know the OW hate is coming but please be civil. https://t.co/Q0Nn5hHLzg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/45BcWq279a

Blizzard, why is Golden Malfurion and Valeera still toned down? https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/fHYXF5V7ye

There has been some unrest in Chinese Hearthstone community https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/CDqErxHxGk

Scanning the field for the Hail Mary via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/hd97sIvBXT

My roommate drew Tracer on our whiteboard, so I drew Genji! via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/N5kqwvTlAI

[HUMOUR] When everyone states the obvious every single time for upvotes https://t.co/HKjfqdFfda #ClashofClans https://t.co/9fTfzRgRFC

I made a drawing to celebrate the release of my favorite legendary via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/VvloMzHqg7

Request: Someone make a website where you can spam larger and larger green men https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthsto… https://t.co/TOoTnLKMg6

Bonemare makes me sad about Don Hancho https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/11zvcAckDH

Gotta appreciate Dead Man's Hand flavor text https://t.co/Q0Nn5hZmXQ #hearthstone https://t.co/r5IzM7xhFg

Zarya Melee is Broken (Literally Unplayable) via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/ATU2NWViHy

PTR Monday confirmed!!! https://t.co/HXQuI9Py3t #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Mhk9dh1RP0

Veigar W with 0.00 Cooldown (PBE) https://t.co/OgSrVlmIBZ https://t.co/4M3hSfYuM3

[Misc] Notifications are becoming oddly specific! 🤔 https://t.co/D07qGHTLm2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/iZm75LXdUa

[MISC] Someone Donated The Wrong Spell... https://t.co/y3VURIhqU7 #ClashofClans https://t.co/WN7ozpTzQS

Amazingly bad Queen AI https://t.co/uYGV2X0mZc #ClashofClans https://t.co/gYlacIfjuQ

Overwatch slang/lingo/jargon/terms for new players to the game. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/NKD41ypDd6

Orisa and tracer efficiently erasing the enemy team via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/PWj2elFdSN