
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 29, 2018

¡URF News está disponible! https://t.co/m4VJkRMW5g Gracias a @Widowcrypt @ClashRoyale @mahcyberpunkish #digitalmarketing #javascript

Felt like I had the win secured, until they whipped this out... https://t.co/NmwkJ2qwCQ #hearthstone https://t.co/Hc69EaxFRl

How about a Pet Shielder in BR for Founders? https://t.co/QJdNosDyHv #fortnite

[Moment Of Truth] Cloud9 Korean Bootcamp: "RNG and Gen.G were both in the music video, so they are going to get too cocky." https://t.co/u9ssfCrTFd https://t.co/wVNQF6b6US

Fnatic is completely boned this year https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/HzD4A0YTJr

Is Kha'zix attracted to light? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/70RJuem8KD

[Screenshot] Dammit Blissey via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/IBJCTbDT5e

PSA: Please remember to follow the rules of the road while Raiding! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/i8TZ7D4m6g

Pokemon eggs are like lootbox change my mind via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/DV667ChSCA

high level mechanics https://t.co/CVgDPLJtRv #hearthstone https://t.co/N9wBVF1zsb

Just found out about this secret druid voiceline!😮 https://t.co/eSsIoXY59P #hearthstone https://t.co/nSXr4iiFXq

No one expects the scarlet inquisition! - Level 100 Whitemane https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/8IgcBaXFzk

Please let us ping our healing fountain cooldown https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/3vYnQZFNkX

Moira can fade jump onto to the top of the buildings on Busan! via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/mNyoj5y6iG

Waiting for the next event to start https://t.co/ZzoIid3VwV #fortnite

[Misc] We have about 17 people space who can mooch rewards. You’re welcome to complete one challenge and leave immediately for free rewards. More details in comments. https://t.co/2jcTRruXzg #ClashofClans https://t.co/VviirkLkIt

[Base] What would you guys recommend, I do next with my base, Heroes 10/11, lab is quite bad, thx. https://t.co/9khjxa4NOD #ClashofClans https://t.co/Jzvv8lFLAu

[HUMOR] Don't mind me just taking your loot https://t.co/AaimJONsvl #ClashofClans https://t.co/PjeoNfiizN

The floor is lava, as is the ocean via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/FGILzoFTHm

Most crushing defeat ever via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/HYQtkzpY8z

Want to nerf decoy? Ok, fine, nerf bosses from teleporting behind defenses right into objectives. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

When the mini-boss is Trap Vulnerable https://t.co/OkLNFIPYCs #fortnite

[Screenshot] When you get so angry that you pop a Beldum via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/cs9KOYuSIv

Dodging https://ift.tt/2oYwbmM bomb with style via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/yAQLKjph0E

Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object. (Seriously no) https://t.co/NMvmZwscTh #hearthstone https://t.co/nqrI9Tb8q3

Hail brother Odin! https://t.co/FAhb8iw8I3 #fortnite

How ironic https://t.co/h83EcE9xoN #hearthstone https://t.co/5VkGe2NI36

Houndmaster Shaw....? https://t.co/0WpzcgFlI0 #hearthstone https://t.co/rErU2doZrh

Forget about "broken/unbalanced" characters. This is our TRUE greatest one enemy via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/Td0Cp6rZ7q

I love last minute wins via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/cKlIZqbAd0

Bull rush ability glitch on riot husks https://t.co/MThKDwxtj8 #fortnite

What we know about next event (so far) https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

200 IQ sym wall placement via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/ZF0Rcxude3

The one time nano doesn't completely ruin your aim via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/KSM439VrZT

New PTR Colorblind Mode: Every Color Inconsistency, Testing, & Suggestions via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/9CC1dUyf6M

This makes me more proud than gaining SR. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/eQjzF94wiV

I call it the "Kool-Aid™ Earthshatter." via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/IRfbJRq95B

Now you see me... now you don't via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/4xq8Q1oudN

Have you ever seen a Reinhardt getting sharpshooter? via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/1Nxh96OfzK

Widowmaker Fight Animation (full video in comments!) via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/pjbFKiUk2h

https://t.co/leQa1r7eov Successfully Sliding In the DM's via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/totIx3RAcI

Master of the Payload via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/vpzNd66Hn0

Pokemon GO in the Wild: a collection of pictures via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/O49eNjMsZ5

PSA: V-Buck Alerts are back https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

"Nice." https://t.co/OBjg5uoZ5E #hearthstone https://t.co/RiZmrMPCHc

[RAIDS]The base we’re all looking for. Snagged 750K each though bc i wasn’t prepared. https://t.co/48SEdd0cq5 #ClashofClans https://t.co/LFOoQ0C7Om

A Basic Comparison between Hearthstone and Artifact https://t.co/4moXs9eHAS #hearthstone https://t.co/V3Y4Zn067P

Was picking call to arms a mistake? https://t.co/La0d2ulyEf #hearthstone https://t.co/iQFz3NomKp

After around 15 Yoggs, even the screen goes mad https://t.co/TaQRsjgVwR #hearthstone https://t.co/pbL6tfxg43

Two ice block mages walk into a tavern... https://t.co/1UHEFTlqkA #hearthstone https://t.co/cMOBft9ulO

When Academic Espionage thinks we are still in last week's Tawern Brawl https://t.co/NrMyZ3on2O #hearthstone https://t.co/zIEb0XFoOY

When is Spreading Plague rotating out? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/bip3xwd3t5

i'm coming, kripp https://t.co/4LVy7NCasu #hearthstone https://t.co/TfWiDIAfAC

Blizzard, if you want to support Wild, please add Wild Deck Recipes (and allow Whizbang to use those decks in Wild) https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/cAl6AXNnah

H e l l a D r o p https://t.co/3MdTQmoXN9 #fortnite

How to find PVE Streamers with the new Twitch Tag System https://t.co/uTECyDu326 #fortnite

Great way to end a mission https://t.co/HakjO0oCmq #fortnite

Epic, can we get a new State of development for STW? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

The guy literally was standing at respawn point, dying for 20 mins and still didn't get kicked. REALLY? https://t.co/xcOyaTTnYe #fortnite

Wow found these and I'm in love lol https://t.co/CZNivyOOjv #fortnite

Changes to Mission Alerts https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Never thought I'd see the day https://t.co/HJCYcv7Y9r #fortnite

Music kits can be glitched into STW. You got no excuses Epic, give Locker pls https://t.co/fuhpkNL2qW #fortnite

Ultimate Farm Method (one simple step, not clickbait) https://t.co/2eBqNOi9GK #fortnite

[BASE] suggestions for improvements? https://t.co/FdTM9DL5qf #ClashofClans https://t.co/5BScHe3q9i

[GOAL] Getting nearer and nearer 😍 https://t.co/Ui2zdKLIyN #ClashofClans https://t.co/Pn5BzHloSK

[Idea] Add a queue position to Legend League clouds. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/2ojP1EQX5B

[GLITCH] Lost Access to my max th12 village, trying to ask help from in-game help and support but no personal response only automated replies again. https://t.co/FwYYnPuDwy #ClashofClans https://t.co/vXzCH0oDAC

[HWYA] Any advice on 3 starring this base? https://t.co/PH8glHqzNc #ClashofClans https://t.co/A2A0EuOqrq

[MISC] Don't mind if I do! https://t.co/Ob0qWZYYQr #ClashofClans https://t.co/Dfpm5ilTY6

All of the champions I own in a single picture https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/CvxIl9FVOo

TIL I am only a bronze-tier fan. Real fans have larger disposable incomes. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/PtpybYekkJ

Perkz reacts to RISE and the G2 Yasuo Action Figure https://t.co/pC5943Oy4I https://t.co/q0DJaIALbS

New Debonair Ez splash breaks etiquette! https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/hc8iCsKShS

Riot are using the wrong Gambit Esports logo for the Championship Kha’Zix Chroma https://t.co/g6YQhDBFqm https://t.co/ksvgg9Vuhj

Visa Issues Change 2018 League of Legends World Championship Play-In Stage Schedule https://t.co/TUXfzYaQD5 https://t.co/jfn44Dd5mv

Uzi's reaction to the RISE music video and his own Vayne figure https://t.co/tle51YhLjy https://t.co/e2sG5RHVYn

Reapered "Fnatic is by far best western team" https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/3CBcYV5soN

Why is Baron Nashor's minimap icon so small but Nunu's snowball icon is the size of Nigeria? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/kUtU9U9dEP

To celebrate Worlds I made a low budget version of the Warriors music video with side by side comparison of the original https://t.co/mx37lg1neW https://t.co/IFG9BKSlJn

Not sure it was posted already but we can Cheer on Twitch for the purple Elemental Lion now https://t.co/ayHWTVPubU #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/9bDqYKvBma

Releasing some of the Halloween portraits as REAL skins would be super cool https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/JIPCphig9T

Tyrael's trait + Alterac core = :( //www-cdn.jtvnw.net/images/twitch_logo3.jpg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/4ubSB3iHqj

TGN Squadron is shutting down and is currently doing their final livestream. https://t.co/3ENfOUDwuY #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/xJGYoMLnUg

I feel like Blizz really missed out on an opportunity to give Fenix a Thing inspired skin from the Adams Family in this event (the walking hand thing). https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/8PUXWYiENp

New Heroes Gear on the store!! https://t.co/V64LI3Hb6J #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/S8sSEZtmGI

Why doesn't Rehgar's Lightning Shield continue dealing damage when the target is Polymorphed while Fenix' Plasma Cutter and Mephisto's Lightning do? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/2d55odeSMf

Please do not tell your team mates to go kill themselves, and do not tolerate people saying it to you. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/Ao9geHB5fl

Melee basic attackers like Illidan, TB Varian, and Butcher need some resistance to the overwhelming number of things that counter them, or else they will never truly be in a good place. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/CO9KXU8elR

Brandon Tan is banned for ToS violation via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/cnPKsVZO33