
Mostrando entradas de julio 27, 2018

PSA - Smörgåsbord Llamas https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Special Forces Ramirez (Rose Team Leader) Cosplay https://t.co/HmuAgfgJxR #fortnite

My Island Doesn't have an EX gym via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/er04mhvXTs

Anyone else sick of Pikachu?? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/VWC4uKg8uG

I just cleared the Scarlet halls on my new Horde toon, I cleared all the wings but I still have no idea who this strange elf is supposed to be. Did he show up pre-cata? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/3M0ErKPiGk

Murky's greatest moment in competitive history – at BlizzCon 2015! 🏆#ThrowbackThursday @heroesesports https://t.co/k5NdJqjToB #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/vzP3z31pp2

Whitemane is going to a support. Confirmed by the Polish HOTS facebook. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/tXpXXxJmVl

Marche says what we're all thinking //www-cdn.jtvnw.net/images/twitch_logo3.jpg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/43sXqopuZ7

[Idea] Can we have something like this for CoC? (Shows damage per shot, shot patterns, reload times, etc.) https://t.co/1goUD30uRC #ClashofClans https://t.co/w7W23lyoxp

When your Zenyatta thinks he is Lucio via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/28UKFGUFl2

I would really appreciate being able to skip the waiting time when im solo raiding a low tier boss via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/qHnXIiw7uP

When you haven't reached the 10 gift limit in your inventory, PokeStops should 100% drop a gift. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/VGZwxr5gj2

You know what we haven't gotten in a long time? A genuinely nice Champion https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/OBf3brX8wx

[MISC] I made a Builder Base spreadsheet https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/nEkvqNrDn5

[HUMOR] Dude kept typing confirm everytime. https://t.co/SlPJWU5OI8 #ClashofClans https://t.co/eUavbdzaRo

Hammond gave me the greatest fright I've ever experienced while playing as Sombra via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/vfEZBU5Co0

Guys... I did a thing today via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/V7P8DCeugJ

Drift as a Soldier concept. Thoughts? https://t.co/daYvMUD4au #fortnite

Roadhog and Hammond have great synergy! via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/BEumpjHkL4

I do not enjoy playing Overwatch with my husband via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/CU6USgNHjx

Your support has arrived via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/XDcNzMkbdq

Funny Sombra Marioneta Animation Glitch when on stairs via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/aq4kX2nB2c

omae wa mou shindeiru via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/UWchdh7lOf

Hammond can kill 200HP targets by swinging into Slam while nanoboosted. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/sc1YlfvMhM

Pass into- Damn... Pass into- SH*T via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/HHboaZYzuu

Genji then proceeded to report our whole team via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/qBCTRzopFV

Close call comes back with the save via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/lZtzOZLDvt

I just wanted to push him off the payload... via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/RPbqW2rbYP

[Goal] Just started the last purple elixir upgrade for TH 10! Unless clone goes to 3... Only have quake, skeleton and haste to do now https://t.co/l8C06mSsoN #ClashofClans https://t.co/oGAd2O7OJj

New insane hunter combo https://t.co/T8CF6x2Saf #hearthstone https://t.co/3SDJM2n02T

New Paladin Legendary: Crystalsmith Kangor https://t.co/01wxHXOq3r #hearthstone https://t.co/CgaS89XzZY

If Janitor Leoric was a Gem-Only skin, would you buy it? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/zAek4s9tag

Playing with players in ranked who do not want to win is the most frustrating thing about this game https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/BtJTDmXWfg

Everyone is talking about the gnome who is about to jump, nobody is talking about the gnome that did :( https://t.co/JN13GNiU8f #fortnite

Wait a sec, since Whitemane is voiced by Grey De Lisle, does that mean new voice lines for Nova and Li-Ming? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/hOehskiqpC

For those who like T H I C C Whitemane, here's a 4k version... https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/TGMPVgaWOS

I feel like Dehaka should be able to cancel Dark Swarm https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/YnPVFBZDaI

Forts should fire faster while keeping same DPS https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/cdy22JWUfP

Guys, we finally got a priest hero https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/SYJeQgyM2X

Chromie is never allowed in my Unranked or Ranked games. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/4o3bzMZkwg

Coffee with Khaldor #3 - CauthonLuck - about HeroesHearth, his career and role as a coach of the #1 team in NA https://t.co/9NMbgMLA8t #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/kjHDx2RIVi

We'll be revealing Whitemane's Hero Spotlight after the first match of #HGC EU. ✨ https://t.co/V9p8KFUlMi #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/4iKKki4gWO

Lore of Sally Whitemane — Character Lore https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/uD5L535y9S

Welcome New Hero in the Nexus https://t.co/OpUvKtu0CD #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/LHyu7G0YoI

[GOAL] I can't wait to use the kings ability!!!! https://t.co/pJblucxs5e #ClashofClans https://t.co/paMRyNlRXJ

Trojan Found in Most Recent PBE Update! Unsure if actually malicious. https://t.co/vAJovovHRa https://t.co/C3pql0riLM

GEN.G vs Griffin ending https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/TsUoe909ZW

Smoothie on Echo Fox and What is Next https://t.co/d8btqPZxy1 https://t.co/MUzg1ehhnY

Opinion: New Essence Reaver could have been a completely new item while old one existed https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/r0YeOmYzLC

WILD fight in LCK feat. 5 man pulverize https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/fNfx4IfSHa

GEN CuVee: "I showed the fans today how good Gnar is as a champion. His pickrate will go up, and so will his skin sales!" https://t.co/bZ4DCmOxwh https://t.co/tbYpfCYqyY

GGS Deftly: "I felt that in Korea, a lot of the pros ask one-trick players for tips... No one in the NA ever does that, so I reached out." https://t.co/TYbRZLdafz https://t.co/n3jCjXQceg

Gen.G vs. Griffin / LCK 2018 Summer - Week 6 / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/Bx3U53SpyF

I received one item from the bday llama. https://t.co/qONuqzmg5Q #fortnite

What a scammer!! https://t.co/qbrw56gXgW #fortnite

After buying STW for the Founder Skins https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Some awesome movie character recreation by Epic https://t.co/aK5ldnuz0X #fortnite

Birthday Llama Follow-Up https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Show of hands. Who wouldn't mind the next patch be entirely focused on stability? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Am I celebrating the fire festival right? https://t.co/QfAseyxVY0 #hearthstone https://t.co/p8nhmQJ96a

[MISC] I know the wall wrecker is OP but this is not the NERF it deserves. https://t.co/rOyySsizSJ #ClashofClans https://t.co/ASc5wu8QAZ

[misc] Supercell support explaining the clouds... https://t.co/g0nCCFfs9k #ClashofClans https://t.co/TfOI7GcUaq

[GLICTCH][WAR] Stupid Stupid bowler. https://t.co/OoRJUHpwd2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/Ct1phmSC7H

[misc] My wallbreaker tattoo 😀 https://t.co/EbBmg2P2pY #ClashofClans https://t.co/YgwJKfdE9F

[ART] Saw this cool P.E.K.K.A. statue by the road https://t.co/7KQOblnL3l #ClashofClans https://t.co/cSdO6FOEgd

[BASE] She says meow https://t.co/jqdFj6O25A #ClashofClans https://t.co/Vg48Y2a4U4

Manawyrm painting; i had a lot of luck with it. https://t.co/99Iu10if4k #hearthstone https://t.co/ySxkdcU2Bf

Omega Defender has new artwork on the official Hearthstone Website https://t.co/p8Fyf2FPen #hearthstone https://t.co/OEdadiJJtN

Thalyssra Hero Portrait - Hearthstone Fanart by me! https://t.co/yJoj9nc4s2 #hearthstone https://t.co/E3ddczHb7N

New "YES" Rogue https://t.co/SVJKwIs4R1 #hearthstone https://t.co/1q6mX9NLPz

New card:Missile launcher https://t.co/lsG3qbRwRt #hearthstone https://t.co/4wY68ZYZ35

My response to "When Card Games Break" by austinmcconnell https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/CDVgv4gS31

New Card - Eureka! https://t.co/QZp6lpdvHn #hearthstone https://t.co/6OvlwMPVQZ

New Rogue Card: Academic Espionage - Ben Brode Reveal https://t.co/vHocdEuwLk #hearthstone https://t.co/qGY55cC3D0

New Hunter Rare: Fireworks Tech! https://t.co/XWQctdDPVC #hearthstone https://t.co/mDfYD7N4kd

New legendary - The Boomship https://t.co/oufJDOAgUQ #hearthstone https://t.co/4XWif04wZm

I modeled, 3D printed, and attempted to paint some EX Raid Passes to give away at my EX Raid next Friday. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/9YGUAmpzjm

Birthday Egg Idea via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/cnyAipEF6b

Walked the entire length of Philadelphia International Airport and hit every single stop and gym via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/3kRttRy5p1

Would you like Gastly to be featured for community day? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/D94jUAmpQK

But is he actually lucky? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/eFX29CfDh6

August field research task 7 day reward is Raikou!!! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/ccBl5vtzpq

Fun Fact about Lickitung.... via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/G1roB4mBG2

¡El último The pokemon go Daily! https://t.co/ooylD1Dt8E Gracias a tsurara_asbf mamie20101222 CoyotlCompany #pokemongo #pokegonews24

We should have an album to store the postcards we've received via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/ye7HHLoQrV

[Idea] Allow trainers to keep a record of gifts received from friends via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/3k8YVtMkNe

I present my silly Pokemon collection via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/guonrP70ml

I finally hit level 40 today! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/uJQnfi2H7W

Ultra friended my wife to hit level 40 via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/KhNphYtPeH

[Humor] Pokemon Go Trading via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/PA6EAlzELb

New Park Pokestop (Green Pokestop) - Suggestion via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/Lva7XyMVIj