
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 13, 2022

RT @skeenee_art: 🔥🌲"RIP" | Ça sent bon le Crypto-Sapin🌲🔥 Created for the upcoming NFT exhibition (Dec 15-Jan 15) by @NFTFactoryParis featuring an incredible line-up of artists I am very grateful to be part of🙏 25 editions - 0.06 Ξ (1st mint on my new Manifold) https://t.co/MCePIR6zRf https://t.co/HhmGQG7rNk

RT @Star666Lucky: “So tell me where to put my love” 10/10 ed. 4 tez each. https://t.co/DJqEXj2fVQ #cryptoart #girlthings #1988 #1998 #worldcup #goldenyears https://t.co/xBflTD2BQ1