
Mostrando entradas de julio 6, 2018

RT @ADobsonComicArt: I think this is why a lot of “fans” don’t like SW:TLJ. They don’t like being told that what they’re doing is bad and irremediable. No matter what you think about a piece of media… NOTHING justifies this sort of harassment. Disney knows this, and they’re calling you out for it. https://t.co/wpS0ocxG8K

RT @CryptoSensei_: The blockchain is now a hot word. First, #blockchain is not a bubble, but #Bitcoin is a bubble. #BTC is just a tiny application of blockchain. Blockchain must be a solution that addresses the privacy and security issues in the #digital era. https://t.co/Nd6y3LoZe4 #Cryptonews

¡URF News está disponible! https://t.co/SlmIc3fXla Gracias a @PlayHearthstone @MalliardReport @TechNativeWire #digitalmarketing #gamedev

[MISC] [RANT] STOP being a bunch of ungrateful circlejerkers https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/mxr7tDDKj2

Can we please get the Ally Hero selection in Try Mode to freeze "None" at the top? https://t.co/zQOCCzjYR7 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/aT3IrWF9Ry

[Humor] "Can't stop now..." via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/fr5X7zyNOP

Expectations Vs Reality - Lightning Pistol https://t.co/yJmpDnNlJ9 #fortnite

Heroes of The Storm WTF Moments Ep.111 https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/pRJnciXmht

Kingzone DragonX vs. Flash Wolves / Rift Rivals 2018 - LCK-LPL-LMS Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/ejNXYOPMnb

So I asked if anyone wanted help with their SSDs... https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

I’m gonna be really disappointed if the mission alert limit goes back to only 3 a day https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Surprisingly, it won me the match... https://t.co/SZkjy9sztk #hearthstone https://t.co/Li9N1aHLoy

Moonfire art shows death of Magma Rager since it has 1 heath. https://t.co/rOfLUrPT6L #hearthstone https://t.co/Xw0Lvkq63c

Perkz on levi post-match. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/XPNdsvNebA

[Discussion] Why can’t Pokemon go run in the background by default? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/2L0UoO2KOJ

Chrales found the summer pikachu family image assets! (full quality link in tweet) via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/Fm5O0YDSMW

Helpful guide on winning this week's Tavern Brawl. https://t.co/m60Br6MFKC #hearthstone https://t.co/YUok1p0SMo

The worst feeling... https://t.co/3PyemFr0jw #hearthstone https://t.co/SGyf2XPyMJ

The art for Holy Fire features a priest casting it on a Devilsaur which has 5 health, enough to kill it. https://t.co/0kVhWIJLyI #hearthstone https://t.co/TyC26fI2af

Leo's hero portrait needs to be grey when he dies https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/HT3KgKACcc

Team Octalysis' Goku reveals Valeera's rise to relevance https://t.co/q6zkfAobYc #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/ZGN7g5AIvn

How is Johnno Plays still not banned? via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/s9z5OTwdTY

Build for your Homebase! https://t.co/3KTbP5O1eJ #fortnite

[HUMOR] Um. Chief, we got a rogue wall trying to escape the compound. By what means? Swimming, Chief... Oh, Dear God.. https://t.co/X7tdyP5vaC #ClashofClans https://t.co/93kzCl6FZP

Don't you dare, Niantic... via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/PmlkkW4TpY

Paid emotes should be available in STW too https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

New low, destroy friendly traps so you get more trap kills https://t.co/vMYOteYZnG #fortnite

[ASK]Do I need to build walls to go to the next town hall level? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/5YYBw7yFXf

[BASE] No longer spawning regular obstacles (trees, stumps, shrooms) https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/U33by3AZ14

[IDEA] New system for friendly challenges https://t.co/DE9JkuwG1e #ClashofClans https://t.co/JhmbtN9y48

the AUDACITY via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/D8JkCAUqDK

Somebody’s new to the tavern brawl https://t.co/VLQa1WLk6j #hearthstone https://t.co/27S2FfHnXq

Damir's accounts banned on stream after declaring to Int anyone who funnels https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/gCWz05uHTe

Pigeon's Peeps vs. Other Guys / Rift Rivals 2018 - NA-EU ARURF Showmatch / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/ZvqhN0KrqR

Reported a player through Riot ticket support, got response from Mundo https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/SAfkPWYDhe

Team Liquid vs. Splyce / Rift Rivals 2018 - NA-EU Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/FX8FCtqwIX

100 Thieves vs. G2 Esports / Rift Rivals 2018 - NA-EU Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/B68IBmQes3

Gilius: "Players sometimes forget what kind of luxury they have with this job. We're getting paid a lot of money playing videogames, and you're mad because the game is getting changed? Cmon man." https://t.co/IeZu1mHIlu https://t.co/NHUV58rXtJ

Fnatic vs. Echo Fox / Rift Rivals 2018 - NA-EU Group Stage / Post-Match Discussion https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/2llq6b2GnM

Riot should bring back the “Honorable Opponent” honor. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/oFZGVJNqxH

Chinese "Return of the Legends" tournament will feature Dyrus, Scarra, Alex Ich, Genja, Dandy, Kid, and other retired League players https://t.co/SUiMZBoRh9 https://t.co/FpXr9qkRIK

Just in case someone hasn't seen it, there's this Tahm Kench in Wonderland skin concept and it's absolutely astonishing https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 https://t.co/9f0r4sAFZI

Remove the Incentives to Play Ranked Modes for Reasons Other Than Winning https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/wMvXWG6mu1

You're all wrong about the new Azmodan- input from the biggest Azmohead ever https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/5anv0t5Vas

To the Kerrigan on our team earlier; my bad :^( https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/1Sl4GmEBYN

Noblesse’s Guide to the Lord of Terror //bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog_thumbnail/h9/H9LC9QM69SD51530638621637.jpg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/BwlvJ1Oqba

Alex make a MLG play //www-cdn.jtvnw.net/images/twitch_logo3.jpg #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/10tVfYLvnq

Alexstrasza's Q should not be able to heal lane minions. I am literally never trying to do that. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/QR2wLsoeEL

Which of the ults is funniest? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/BUuKOZYcu8

Why was Leoric's death timer removed? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/NXke3zptB6

Deathwing in Heroes of the Strom [idBeCoolif] ft. MfPallytime https://t.co/4L0HKpL7b6 #Heroesofthestorm https://t.co/DFKgLPBJgQ

One of the best ways I've ended my journey in Canny Valley https://t.co/vcYqJe8W11 #fortnite

Suggestion: make storm shield defences repeatable and offer re perk and perk up materials. They also include harder difficulties, special win conditions that award extra items. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Sploder? You mean.. https://t.co/S6WpLppwqr #fortnite

Wait a minute... https://t.co/LzBUCfvO14 #fortnite

The lag is getting worse with every update... https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

Hey Epic how about next week we get ONLY baseball bats in the store https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #fortnite

I dont have any friends who play StW. But just beat Plankerton SSD10 Solo and had to tell someone! https://t.co/ySTYmZRqMY #fortnite

Husks don't stand a chance against the BattleShip https://t.co/rqmhIadWYm #fortnite

I really want to trust the system Epic, please don't give me a reason not to. https://t.co/PZl4kXjMRo #fortnite

Just a reminder: Next event, a couple heroes are going to have over a hundred cosmetic items for the first time. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/hz3FtvkJGs

Just going to zone their push with https://t.co/5G31qqxIAk bomb and... hmmm. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/7OTAOaWX0S

Dear overwatch team, I realize most of us have forgotten about it by now, but how much money did you officially raise for the cancer research organization? via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/dg6KAoWvK0

Make Ana the Main Healer she was meant to be. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/EKjf8MzxK9

Doomfist called me a bot for this via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/8ONsQSXaKB

Apparently Reinhardt learned how to surf in preparation for the summer games via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/SOScZlTp2I

Please Blizzard, do an optimization patch for us potato pcs via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/APTXtpApMe

Taking Rein on a roadtrip. via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/3EMATde8dV

There are dozens of hidden "bar codes" in Overwatch. I need your help to crack the codes via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/2v74iEw5LN

When you get Widowmaker in Mystery Heroes and realize you can't aim at all via /r/Overwatch https://t.co/khOo7O7RzJ

[HWYA] Need a 3 star to win the war. Heros are 35/38, max th10 troops https://t.co/WV23x2VE5s #ClashofClans https://t.co/CbU9wHwPiz

[ASK] What does everyone believe the most efficient use of the BoE is at TH11? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/fSEAHMGAQU

[WAR] First 30 to 0 war we had. They only used one attack! https://t.co/aCmVPrHbnr #ClashofClans https://t.co/xJkQWgGqaJ

[Ask] Who are you following for TH12 content? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/56IL4JgSrP

[MISC] Book of Everything? https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/0zGt4hIuhZ

[IDEA] set minimum clan games pts for players to be able to get reward. let a leader decide how much a member must contribute .prevents other players from freeloading. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/lu0Jw92yvQ

[BASE] fairly new to clash of clans and was just looking for some advice/a couple of questions answered. I’ve included a picture of my base and looking for suggestions on what to upgrade etc. Another thing I’ve been wondering is what is the second island… https://t.co/qkuZclgTO7

[GLITCH] How is this possible? https://t.co/jA10aAMrcb #ClashofClans https://t.co/LNAgRqs5h7

[Misc] Clan Games have become excruciating due to the nerf in point rewards to many of the challenges, and it’s ruining my motivation to play. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #ClashofClans https://t.co/5i3LXgoMqO

I've been bamboozled https://t.co/8BRbrC2ldl #hearthstone https://t.co/UVKWcU0ifk

Sick shudderwock + yogg combo //www-cdn.jtvnw.net/images/twitch_logo3.jpg #hearthstone https://t.co/8ffKs2haqI

When controll decks keep getting greedier and greedier so zoolock and ultra fast aggro decks return to the meta. https://t.co/wHEuMceohr #hearthstone https://t.co/YK0DVfOS9H

Kripp's talking about nerfing Jungle Moonkin https://t.co/zAOWJyTbx3 #hearthstone https://t.co/VsgBxc9z78

It's shocking to me that this game has been around so long yet there still isn't a way to click and drag to order your decks https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/z9GmaDe3D8

Al’Akir’s text has changed? Keywords have been moved around. https://t.co/sAouRoZN5I #hearthstone https://t.co/u3SqAn1OhG

Alright Blizzard, I'm waiting for my key! https://t.co/peuXZ35b0k #hearthstone https://t.co/Twb1903dKG

Since blizzard have shown they can update card art, can we get Malygos and Mal'Ganis to show their actual characters. https://t.co/dLSGztyEA2 #hearthstone https://t.co/l1TeYUGj7C

Oh, how the tables have turned https://t.co/KISCFxzi0J #hearthstone https://t.co/DVG16ya23D

This weeks Tavern Brawl is a good way to train your APM. https://t.co/P0esaM8MyB #hearthstone https://t.co/RPi98HPrrC

I don’t get notifications whenever someone sends me a gift or if someone accepts my friend request. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/cjOBzHz4mJ

Celebrate Pokémon GO’s Second Anniversary with Pikachu! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/2UaT8j5sPp

The Fang of the north star, Crobat. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/0XNB9FI0Gk

Evolving Magicarp via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/y4kfUptSwg

Found these two birds fighting, decided to watch them finish instead of intervening. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/JDz9WXN85b

Second Anniversary Pikachu coming tomorrow plus Celebi soon! via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/CWe34cMx0v

Gps drift via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/ChJDlvjrld

Does Aloha Vulpix still come from 7K eggs? I've hatched 52 eggs and no Vulpix. via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/BwJMsftKVU

Unexpected Bonus of Having Pokefriends from Abroad: Trading Distance for Mons Hatched from Friendship Eggs via /r/pokemongo https://t.co/TNxLyKHkgS

¡El último The pokemon go Daily! https://t.co/2eBd1unfYa Gracias a Marahersa SunyshoreStore omarsotoble97 #lajornadaelectoral2018 #méxico