
Mostrando entradas de febrero 21, 2019

RT @hodlonaut: Have you ascended to the highest bitcoin consciousness? 🌮🙏 https://t.co/eY4FVsBaL3

RT @gaborgurbacs: Make time to watch this educational series with @NickSzabo4. Topics: history of money, Bitcoin, gold, blockchains, smart contracts, government abuse, decentralization, trust-minimization, computer science, crypto revolution, future of money & more. Videos: https://t.co/XChQrm1NKt https://t.co/byYIsCLT30

RT @Brigitte_Grey: ¡Hoy hay stream en Nimo en 2 horas! https://t.co/84Fn0yx660 💕☻

RT @PhilCrypto77: Who wants some satoshi's?? Send me a #Lightning invoice for 10 satoshis or less and I'll send it out. #bitcoin

RT @ndimichino: This is wild https://t.co/HKZkPTaSsb

RT @alistairmilne: Happiness is feeding chickens in a different timezone using the Bitcoin Lightning network (pollofeed dot com) https://t.co/YEe74Og7uC

RT @JanStrnad94: Finally managed to fully open my LN Node! Amazing experience so far, endless gratitude to @pierre_rochard. He is the best guy out there, 100 % trustworthy, superkind and his guide to set up BTC/LN is flawless. Make sure to follow if you havent already https://t.co/lF7RLFL96d https://t.co/FBx3mFBuMM

RT @BTCSocialist: BTCIOT - POS Flux Capacitor "Where we're going we don't need roads" Props to @ToneVays for intro #LightningNetwork #bitcoin #IoT @WorldCryptoNet https://t.co/XRCuZBAIUV

RT @lappsln: Satoshi's Games is a Lightning-powered arcade machine 🕹⚡️ Play Super Mario Bros, Flappy Bird and many other games - all while winning satoshis along the way! 🤑 Play Satoshi's Games at https://t.co/FYUsKzFWG9, a platform by @whiteyhat and @FedericoSpital3 - @SatoshisGames https://t.co/SztGLMdWUm

RT @SatoshisGames: Are you ready for this week's tournament? 🏆 The tournament starts on Saturday and ends on Monday. Get your ticket and fight for your satoshis playing Flappy Crypto!! https://t.co/tcNA2bFUwj https://t.co/SHRoF7u3Qi

¡URF News está disponible! https://t.co/optkaNZ4Mv Gracias a @TronWeekly @_blockandchain_ @TronEspana #bitcoin #btc

RT @arcade_mobile: Muse Dash – Rightfully the best rhythm game we have ever played‼️😆 #gamedev #indiedev #indiegame https://t.co/FFlaHyo8jo

RT @bitcoinist: According to the Korea Herald, the U.S. Bitcoin ETF decision will shape the mood of the cryptocurrency market in the country. https://t.co/eFbJnvpqBc

RT @JugglinJosh: Life is hard. Get a helmet. https://t.co/037rwF6pky

RT @neondistrictRPG: A first look at Neon District gameplay, a Final Fantasy inspired cyberpunk RPG. Subscribe for updates at https://t.co/922ZznXmZ7. #madewithunity #unity3d #gamedev #indiedev https://t.co/shv0ntdM9u

RT @Trongoo_TRX: you play, you lose then win and repeat

RT @CharlieShrem: Hey @jonnajarian Im passing you the Lightning torch I got from @CHalexov2016 and @AndyC0125 at @Okex . Please reply with your wallet invoice info and lets keep it going! #LNTrustChain #Bitcoin https://t.co/EXb39rX8ji

RT @crevassestudio: "I hate making games" - said no one ever. @buildboxcom #indiedev #gamedev https://t.co/lDuj6LJEOU

RT @daniel_ley: I have literally watched this about 500 times 😂 https://t.co/TV7HGnabLy

1 ⚡Satoshi aparece en lo salvaje...

RT @Eug_Ng: So it’s true after all that the world’s most popular smart phone has a cryptocurrency wallet. Imagine the likes of Apple, Huawei and etc also following suit. That’s gonna be global acceptance for crypto. 🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/aH41Ipm949

So, the game decided to turn me 90°??? It somehow happened while messing around with the new Drift board. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/zKd5ErMdOC https://t.co/WX6tRpG0Yb

paradigm shift via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/FSrSjiqesB https://t.co/C0n67HZYmI

Hoverboard causing memory crash on xbox via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/vwZFhgIVfr https://t.co/d7E9af43M9

Lars chilling out next to his van via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/PshiP6Wu1y https://t.co/oj579QKHZm

So I did a thing while bored at work via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Lg6tellaGK https://t.co/6laxNvStSR

Things I Actually Want & Tired of Waiting On via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/0NnvwY6ryy https://t.co/fVAZkly9h8

Driftboard Feedback/Discussion Megathread via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/QWIfdUUwyu https://t.co/cdmMpNVrZ9

Venting about The New AFK system via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/frJYkRsGZh https://t.co/nOComn5IYN

STW's saviour is less than 8 days away, yet 0 information regarding hero update. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/P04tNUXUty https://t.co/GRj9hLt3ID

Would it be okay if it took a process to complete it? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/4pHpgAsn2m https://t.co/rRqb6g6CPl

Hover turrets via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/nfGSoQaPst https://t.co/ECRSFPxGOe

Different loading screen bug via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/STIQ1pne5t https://t.co/6njtNBcnqY

Hey Epic! Can we update the trello card please! Just to let you know that “degraded console performance” isn’t the only bug in STW right now!!! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/yktrenvZtC https://t.co/RqHMp979dE

Epic a way to test bugs before an update to improve stabilty via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/luhpsMjB6v https://t.co/b5E4m9yRP0

I need an explanation via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Nf59sRFSmU https://t.co/0cE4449hcL

is this too much? (for my level at least) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/TtAS2KWsyk https://t.co/1trIy3b1Hb

AFK in a Private Session via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Ofef7FVFr5 https://t.co/l0g0hjdJbO

Thank you, Epic, for helping me grieve via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/BpX3CBRumR https://t.co/cppjBTUzi0

So the Hero Loadout Revamp next week and then what? Could we get a state of development in the near future please? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/OrmddmVwIW https://t.co/CXTc6yE7mu

Elon Musk: Bitcoin Brilliant | Binance DEX | Coinbase Neutrino via /r/Bitcoin https://t.co/fcGveBRSj0

Rewards Rework via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/XRdfmRlohL https://t.co/onuSnS1MsT

Thanks to Xbox it froze on this screen. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/SgoEvf8nFV https://t.co/hYJRssBuYa

Okay, can we all agree that the heros' smiling is a little unnatural and weird? Some of the other heroes are much worse than this. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/KkTMJfgtgo https://t.co/YOU0xEHH3h

4x Legendary Perk UP + Mythic Lead (Inventor: Nick "Frequenzy" Golub / Dreamer) in 100 group! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/fdWogML0DY https://t.co/StJGuLEn68

What wall traps should I invest into? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/eAx8a41zK4 https://t.co/AloA2UIgvU

Tactical Slot via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/yWge3gN9zT https://t.co/swU273XWrv

There's nothing really "fun" to do via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/SCj795eviw https://t.co/u4MFKJv3r1

I am confused,care to explain plis? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/GWhNfqZGV9 https://t.co/IX2QqR3dJV

Suggestion: competitive pve via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/4KIrSuBqVZ https://t.co/YNTWWKy2OR

Daily Llama 20/Feb/2019 via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/4Gvj66OUIa https://t.co/5GWrDGQPFM

Repair the shelter not working. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Uffa6DMJZV https://t.co/2nw6bpLCtT

I have everything I need to evolve, but can't for whatever reason. (maxing my collection book) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/iuU0r4qGab https://t.co/pMMiukrhrT

Development question. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/CQ9gjQG4wo https://t.co/CoGX0JbfaU

Looking at the brightside of things... maybe via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/47hRND6rjb https://t.co/Y9LthQcBCV

Collection Book Bug via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/hv8UG88tvY https://t.co/oqH0BwY55P

I think this shotgun is not dragon fire via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/1McO1O7I26 https://t.co/LSXxogp4T7

Heres why EPIC wont say anything about the hero rework... via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/e0bcyifQSx https://t.co/vW1kz3Z1b2

Out of alerts? (Confused) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/MHwKxyXyAY https://t.co/uaCczQwbtt

Not getting Frostnite rewards via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/yCyzEr61UH https://t.co/xinSvr737p

News shows the "Dragon's Might" instead of "Dragonfire" via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/9uR63Ilwp7 https://t.co/cyeVRgM3cS

Can't evolve my survivor via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/XTLlIU5l3s https://t.co/YVgRb9XoMY

After finally buying the Ice King, I've been able to get all the heroes from the event store (already had Airheart and Wukong), whats your status on the heroes. Do you have them all? None? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Vyso0Rv6dC https://t.co/NYgZkodZKG

What is/was your favorite Fortnite event? (Seasonal or non-seasonal) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/ixLtzjlkQK https://t.co/ZMuTnizX67

Even Save the World videos talk about BR. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/b3N2w6PnPR https://t.co/iReAg1HJ3u

Mcflyer than Marty. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/b3XupMtzug https://t.co/3yLjwV3OhM

Trailblazer Quinn via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/uIdGSiX4fg https://t.co/5ynqZKq2Eh

Did I get STW for free or am I missing something? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/QkQvxewWeQ https://t.co/ja7n6B7279

🙏 Please return these good NEON LLAMA they were so good 🙏 but this time bring out 10 via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/2fk8uZ3Swt https://t.co/WcfH9MwwZD

Im done with the lag via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/dpIaIXM8m5 https://t.co/X3v0yI3ROr

So we're not getting the crossbow? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/iyI8nN1yQR https://t.co/2iSP5iMJWJ

don't add vacuum tube weapons in 8.0 and just add vindertech & cyber to core in 8.0 via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/Pj03i3xbPV https://t.co/2L097wH6zN

I only spent 50vbucks to get to PL129! via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/UsKm33Mji8 https://t.co/ovgB7v9Lkd

Save the world may be officially dying. via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/sTb9ZH6Ycb https://t.co/ubw0Ngnahh

Llamas & Support a Creator via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/iuv0Ioo6mY https://t.co/gSTXkKF3na

I just completed 7 waves in the new week 8 challenge and I did not recurve the reward (YES I am sure that I was in the correct mission) via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/mtls1UyohM https://t.co/S6M6588VvN

What PL do you unlock Ghost Town via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/4waUE7AmJM https://t.co/aKaxLMIXxt

Report System Rant via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/GT9m7bZuog https://t.co/5GZw7xyLBt

Question about Progression via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/pKuqouh9Do https://t.co/yfN8bScccL

A rant about Mission variety and why it desperately needs to be addressed by Epic via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/BiWmFzGG3L https://t.co/crJe7HwKqH

Could you mod a jack-o-launcher? via /r/FORTnITE https://t.co/iaMZ3R31c5 https://t.co/5tHLMS0CfV

RT @archillect: https://t.co/MROArfMTs3

RT @TronWorldGames: Bonus #giveaway: for those that read all this ⬆️ The first 10 people to like and RT all 4 tweets get 30,000 $TRW each Post your TronLink address in the comments if you are one 😁

RT @TronWorldGames: 4/4 Every Dapp we list is a longterm investment. We are not worried about the small numbers now because in the near future dapps will become extremely popular. TronWorld supports all great #Dapps and exposes them to the masses! Thank You for your support https://t.co/GGHHMnxk6Y

RT @TronWorldGames: 3/4 On the other hand however if you get in early enough on a new, exciting looking idle game it can be lucrative. If and only if the team of said "CrapDapp" is on point with updating and marketing. We choose not to support them because late investors will get bit.

RT @TronWorldGames: 2/4 There are not many great dapps that don't have these short lived high risk schemes. Most of the crap is either an idle game, or a copy/paste of a casino game with a crappy user interface. So don't be surprised that we have less than 10 dapps listed. More listings very soon

RT @TronWorldGames: 1/4 Introducing the TronWorld Dappsite🥳 beta w/ #dividends We only list the best #Tron #dapps No short lived wealth redistribution schemes. Its time for a filter on this 💩 Each #Dapp we list comes with ratings, links, tips, & In Depth Review #trondapps $trx $btt $btc $eth $eos https://t.co/UP34oUQF6p

RT @CryptoArkad: Continue to RT, FAV, and join my telegram to have a chance of winning ! https://t.co/XMueXLBLKQ

RT @local_it: @brian_trollz Starting from nothing, it's difficult to imagine new users setting up a non custodial LN without ever trying the LN first If you let people play with it via custodial app & they see its useful and awesome, they're more likely to put in the work & effort to setup their own node.

RT @hackapreneur: 🤔Hm. Will #Blockchain cards or collectibles even work? Card based Games seeing decline. Hearthstone shedding activity. Valve's Artifact didnt take off & it's the closest to digital card ownership game. Gamers resenting microtransaction - pay 2 win. https://t.co/T6ZbBEtsbu

RT @APompliano: I’m too big of a Lightning Network fan to not sign up for a Tippin account. You should sign up too! https://t.co/aDVizgPHSa

RT @RedditCR: Let’s hope @elonmusk plays @ClashRoyale 😂 Submission by u/BlueMeteor134 https://t.co/5utQN5uWMY

RT @AndyC0125: I've been a loyal customer of Amazon but didn't get a reply from @jeffbezos ☹️. Now passing the ⚡ torch to @CHalexov2016. Don't #hodl for your kids tho. Keep passing the torch! Show the world how powerful crypto and LN are! #LNTrustChain

RT @rootzoll: Coindesk: "A DIY Bitcoin Lightning Node Project Just Hit Its 1.0 Milestone" @AlyssaHertig much thanks for getting the word out :D #RaspiBlitz https://t.co/nsZj6XQ7eV

RT @CandleHater: Now that @elonmusk talks about Bitcoin.. Take the #LightningNetwork Torch! #LNTrustchain https://t.co/JfAGsmUAZ6

Lulz not much puff

#420puffpuffpass #420LNChain enjoy ⚡ and 🌱 hit me 840 sats invoice add + 420 sats and you have to pass to another #marihuano